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Lesbian Couple Catholic School Saga

By Charlotte Robinson, May 17, 2010
Recent Exclusive Audio Interview with Jarko
De Witte van Leeuwen, an international LGBT

adoption advocate. Jarko has written a children’s

book “Arwen and her Daddies” that tells their

adoption journey

Exclusive Audio Interview w/ Arline Isaacson,
Co Chair of the Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian
Caucus on the 6th Anniversary of gay
marriage in
Massachusetts & the future of LGBT
civil rights
in America @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

It’s amazing with all the homophobia by the Vatican why any
gay couple would want their child to be educated in an environment
that demonizes our LGBT community. However in Hingham, MA
this is the scenario that’s playing OUT. A lesbian mom learned that
her son's acceptance had been rescinded during a conference call
with the parish priest, Rev. James Rafferty of St. Paul Elementary
School & the school's principal, Cynthia Duggan. The mom said
Rafferty stated that her relationship was "in discord" with church
teachings that marriage is only between a man & a woman. However,
it gets even thicker, superintendent Mary Grassa O'Neill, the head of
education for the Boston Archdiocese offered to help find a different
Catholic school for the boy. O’Neil stated, "We believe that every
parent who wishes to send their child to a Catholic school should have
the opportunity to pursue that dream." Dream or Nightmare?
Updates to Come...:)
Exclusive Audio Interviews with Bruce Vilanch &
filmmakers & celebrities at the 26th annual Boston
LGBT Film Fest which runs through May 16th


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Cardinal O'Malley said...

I can attest personally that Father Rafferty would never exclude a child to sanction the child's parents. After consulting with the school principal, exercising his rights as pastor, he made a decision based on an assessment of what he felt would be in the best interest of the child. I have great admiration for Father Rafferty; he has my full confidence and support.

We recognize that, regardless of the circumstances involved, we maintain our responsibility to teach the truths of our faith, including those concerning sexual morality and marriage. We need to present the Church's teachings courageously and yet in a way that is compassionate and persuasive.

There were no easy decisions made and all the people involved approached this from the same perspective: the pastoral care and best interests of the child.

Boston's Cardinal Sean O'Malley is famous for his homophobia

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