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Obama Silent on Fed Gay Marriage Ruling

By Charlotte Robinson, July 09, 2010
Exclusive Audio Interview w/ Mark Elderkin, CEO
of the Gay Ad Network. Elderkin is a dot com

visionary & entrepreneur @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Now we wait to see if the Obama administration will appeal
yesterday’s federal ruling finding DOMA unconstitutional.
Obama has said over & over again that he wants to repeal
the Defense of Marriage Act yet the administration was
silent today on whether it would appeal the ruling that found
section 3 of DOMA unconstitutional. The rulings apply only
to Massachusetts, where same-gender marriage has been legal
since 2004. This means that Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont,
New Hampshire & the District of Columbia should file their
own challenges. In the meantime come to Massachusetts where
equality lives….:)
For more info: glad.org
4/12/10 Exclusive Audio Interview w/ Lee Swislow,
Executive Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates

& Defenders (GLAD) on Gill v. Office of Personnel

Management that challenged Section 3 of DOMA

in today's historic ruling
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

1 comment:

Congresswoman Baldwin said...

I am thrilled by Judge Tauro’s decision that declares part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional. This is a tremendous victory for all who believe in equal rights and a dramatic confirmation of justice under law.

By ruling that DOMA violates the Fifth and Tenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, Judge Tauro affirmed states’ rights of sovereignty and individual rights to due process. Put simply, his rulings confirm what we already know – there is no legal basis for discrimination against same-gender couples.

The right of same-gender couples to marry with the same protections, benefits, and obligations as straight couples may, ultimately, be decided by the Supreme Court. The long march to full equality is not yet over, but now is a time to rejoice in this victory.

Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin is Co-Chair of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus.

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