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The New Gay Ally on Glee

By Charlotte Robinson, February 16, 2011
Exclusive Audio Chat with Josie Cotton
about her new CD 'Pussycat Babylon' & the

“Johnny R U Queer” Contest w/ cash prices


When Darren Criss appeared on Glee, he shared a flirtatious
moment becoming a rumored love interest, for Chris Colfer’s
role of Kurt Hummel. By the end of that on-screen meeting,
Criss belted out his own version of Katy Perry’s “Teenage
Dream.” The next day, Glee’s version of the song shot up the
iTunes charts, becoming the most downloaded song yet from
a show that had recently surpassed the Beatles’ record for most
singles to chart on Billboard’s Hot 100. Criss knew playing gay
would raise immediate questions about his own sexuality.
Initially he thought he would play it coy but soon came out as
straight. Criss had plenty of exposure to the gay community
having performed in local musicals in his hometown, San
Francisco. As a performer, Criss quickly befriended cast mates
in their 20s & 30s. “I was staying out much later than most kids
after shows, going to restaurants,” Criss remembers. “I was
friends with older guys–they were who I looked up to. It wasn’t
until later that I put together that they were gay.”
Will Criss’ Blaine & Colfer’s Hummel ever wind up together?
Read More in OUT Mag….
Exclusive Audio Chat w/ Colin Fallesen, CEO
& Creative Director of the UK Queer Channels on

Demand on their news service "Pink Sixty"


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1 comment:

Darren Criss said...

It’s more empowering to everybody if I’m articulate about identifying myself as a straight male playing a gay character. Ultimately that’s more powerful for both communities. The most important thing to convey to those watching is for Kurt to have someone he can relate to. This is the first time he has a young out male friend, a support system, to show that that’s possible.

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