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Paris Hilton NOH8 & Prop 8 Update

By Charlotte Robinson, February 17, 2011
Gay Marriage Approved by Maryland Senate Committee
& Full Passage Expected.
Read More....
Paris Hilton tweeted this photo of herself showing off her recent
contribution to the NOH8 campaign. In honor of her 30th B-Day
today it would be a Fab time to make a contribution to the NOH8
Campaign especially with the unconstitutional Prop 8 still being
enforced in California. The California Supreme Court decided to
hear arguments on whether the Yes on 8 campaign has the right
to appeal the District Court decision striking down Proposition 8.
Oral arguments could be set for as early as September.
Hear our exclusive audio byte w/ Gay Ally & Singer Josie Cotton
spin on Prop 8.

We interviewed Jeff Parshley & his partner celebrity photographer
Adam Bouska about their grassroots org the NOH8 Campaign.

To Donate & Listen to Interview:

OUTTAKE VOICES™: NOH8 Gay Activists Speak OUT
Full Exclusive Audio Chat w/ Josie Cotton
about her new CD 'Pussycat Babylon' & the

“Johnny R U Queer” Contest w/ cash prices


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Geoff Kors said...

Equality California will file an amicus brief with the Court making it clear that only the Attorney General has the authority to appeal federal court decisions. Our opponents know the law doesn’t support their position. So anti-LGBT, right-wing California Senator Tom Harman has introduced a bill to change the law. SB 5, the Defense of Initiative Statutes bill, would compel the Attorney General to defend ballot measures that have been struck down by the courts, even if she determines that it is not in the State’s best interest. This includes Proposition 8. Attorney General Harris has stated that she will not defend Prop. 8 in court because it is unconstitutional. SB 5 is designed to compel her to defend it.

But there’s more. SB 5 would also authorize the groups that place measures on the ballot to defend their measures in court, a right that has been reserved for the state once a measure become a law. If this insidious bill passes, groups including Yes on 8 could step into the state’s shoes and appeal decisions like the District Court’s historic decision overturning Prop. 8. Please, stand up today and ask your legislators to oppose this bill.

Yes on 8 and their cohorts in the Legislature know that current law doesn’t allow them to appeal. That is why they are trying to change the law. Please, take action today to stop SB 5. I’m confident that the courts will ultimately strike down Prop. 8. But right now your voice is critical to making sure the courts are free to decide on the question of standing and on the constitutionality of Prop. 8.

Geoff Kors, Executive Director Equality California

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