the famous Mona Lisa painting saying the model was a man &
Leonardo da Vinci's lover of possibly over 20 years. An Italian
art historian, Silvano Vinceti, believes the model for the "Mona
Lisa" was a man named Gian Giacomo Caprotti, better known
as Salai, a male apprentice & speculation a possible lover of
da Vinci for over 20 years.

be the inspiration behind several of the Renaissance artist's
works. For centuries, people have been speculating about who
modeled for Leonardo Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa." Was it Lisa
Gherardini, the wife of a Florentine merchant? Was it Isabella
of Aragon? Was it the artist himself, as some experts believe?
Or was it, as new research suggests, none of the above.
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The model for the "Mona Lisa" was a man named Gian Giacomo Caprotti, better known as Salai, a male apprentice Salai was a favorite model for Leonardo. Leonardo certainly inserted characteristics of Salai in the last version of the 'Mona Lisa. I found the letter "S" in the woman's left eye, the letter "L" in her right eye, and the number "72" under the bridge in the background. The images are not visible to the naked eye. Scientific equipment was used. Salai wasn’t the only inspiration for the world's most famous painting the 'Mona Lisa' must be read at various levels, not just as a portrait.( In other words, according to Vinceti, there were likely multiple inspirations for the painting.)
Silvano Vinceti is an Italian Art Historian
I knew it. Guys were around all the time. Leonardo da vinci was a gay who almost never painted females. I believe that Mona Lisa is in deed Sali
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