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Paula Poundstone to Play Provincetown

By Charlotte Robinson, July 22, 2011
AUDIO: Comedian Paula Poundstone Speaks OUT
We’re here in Provincetown for 2 weeks. We have
tickets for our performance pick of the week:
Paula Poundstone at the UU Meeting House tonight
July 22, @ 8:30P, 260 Commercial Street....:)
When Paula came on the comedy scene she thought
her lack of focus would be her downfall. Now it’s called
spontaneity, not lack of focus. These days Poundstone
showcases her spontaneous brand of humor both on tour
& on NPR’s hit weekly news quiz show, “Wait, Wait,
Don’t Tell Me.” Paula states, “To have access to the NPR
audience is pretty darn fun. They’re smart. They’re well-
informed. Not that I fall into either of those categories,
by the way. Less & less so as I grow older, in fact.”
She adds her appearances on NPR actually improve her
stand-up act & vice versa. So you’re in for a real treat.
Tix: VIP $45 & general $35 See You There! For Tix….
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Paula Poundstone said...

One of the fun things about doing ‘Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me!’ on NPR and it may be one of the reasons they called me to do the show — I don’t really know because I’m not them — is that it is unscripted for the panelists. They want you to say whatever comes into your head, and that’s part of the joy of doing my act, by the way. It’s not committeed. I don’t ask anybody what I’m going to say. I don’t get anybody’s approval ahead of time. It’s not written down. I have an act for sure. I’ve been doing my job for 31 years now, and there’s one joke that on tour I think I do every single night. But my favorite part of the night is when I do the time-honored ‘Where are you from, and what do you do for a living?’ stuff, or when I just plain say whatever comes into my head.
Of course, you can’t do that on a late-night talk show because they want to know everything you’re going to say. So any time I have to do those damned five-minute things on ‘The Tonight Show’ or something like that, I have a helluva time with it. There’s not a whole lot of time to throw out your line and kind of fish around. I find that impossible. Thirty one years later and I’m still unable to do five minutes. Isn’t that ironic?

Joy said...

@Charlotte Robinson: Great write up! I see you do exclusive audio interviews... Why not do one with Paula Poundstone? Judging from the above comment, she has a lot more to say... ;-) (Her radio/podcast interviews are always so very funny... (hinting, pleading, begging, puppy-dog eyeing...)

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