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The Age of Gender Reassignment

By Charlotte Robinson, December 12, 2011
2011 has brought the transgender discussion to the forefront. A lot of the advancement at least in the media must be credited to Chaz Bono. First with his documentary ‘Becoming Chaz’ at Sundance & then with his appearance on ‘Dancing With The Stars.’ I remember when I was a kid there was a transsexual talk show guest making the rounds in the 50’s & 60’s named Christine Jorgensen. She was blond, elegant & the conversation was always respectful. With our LGBT community becoming more & more accepted as we work towards full federal equality the ‘T’ in our family is gaining recognition & rights. Last month in Massachusetts House & Senate passed a bill making it illegal to discriminate against Transgender individuals in employment, housing & credit. There’s still more work to be done on this bill to include public accommodations which didn’t have enough support in the legislature to pass. Then there are the kids who are born knowing their sex on the inside isn’t reflected on the outside & through the courage of the child & their parents steps are taken to correct this. Boston Globe… We live in amazing times. We have a long way to go to achieve full federal equality for our LGBT community but 2011 has been an amazing year for our Transgender family. Updates to Come…:) Exclusive Chat with Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus on Barney Frank retiring in 2012, Mitt Romney's gay rights flip-flop & more @ OUTTAKE VOICES™ Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™ SUPPORT OUR QUEST @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:) View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Nicole Maines said...

Over the years, our family has become close to several adult transsexuals, and I have seen that some have found happy marriages. I do feel better about it but I still wonder if I ever met a boy who falls for me, and then found out that I was trans, if he would still like me, or say awful things as he skedaddled out the door.

Obviously my life is not going to be as easy as being gender-conforming, but there are perks like being able to get out there and do things that will benefit the transgender community. I think everything’s going to turn out pretty well for me.

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