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Obama & Clinton's Global Gay Agenda

By Charlotte Robinson, December 07, 2011
Tuesday was a momentous day in human rights history for our LGBT global community. President Obama issued the first-ever executive memorandum dealing with the subject of lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender rights worldwide & directed federal agencies working overseas to "promote & protect the human rights of LGBT persons." It was followed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivering a landmark address on LGBT rights in recognition of International Human Rights Day at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Hillary stated, “Some have suggested that gay rights & human rights are separate & distinct but in fact they are one & the same.” It seems that Hillary was nervous that some nations would walk out on her speech. Instead she received a standing ovation. Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Chat with Rock Icon Carole Pope about her new epic, edgy album LANDFALL featuring a duet w/ Rufus Wainwright & more

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1 comment:

John Becker said...

After acknowledging that America's own record on human rights for LGBT people is "far from perfect," Clinton told those gathered, "Like being a woman, like being a racial, religious, tribal, or ethnic minority, being LGBT does not make you less human. And that is why gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights." The Secretary went on to condemn laws, violence, and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression, calling them violations of human rights. She specifically rebuked the false notion, popular in many religiously conservative nations, that homosexuality is some kind of Western phenomenon. Clinton condemned religion-based anti-LGBT bigotry, saying that "while we are each free to believe whatever we choose, we cannot do whatever we choose, not in a world where we protect the human rights of all." And she announced the creation by the United States government of a $3-million Global Equality Fund that will support the work of organizations working on LGBT rights issues worldwide.

John Becker Director of Communications & Development, Truth Wins Out

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