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Move Over J Edgar, Nixon Was Gay

By Charlotte Robinson, December 30, 2011
Well we all know that Richard Nixon was a drunk & a lair. Now in a new book by veteran Washington reporter Don Fulsom it appears that Tricky Dick was more than friends with Charles “Bebe” Rebozo. Richard Nixon always seemed asexual. However I do remember lots of photos of Nixon & Rebozo vacationing together at Camp David. It seems that during their men-only visits, they reportedly frolicked together in & out of the water & gushed over their shared passion for Broadway musicals. We knew that Dick & Pat had separate bedrooms but this development leaves us a bit nauseous. Not because Nixon may have been gay but because he like J Edgar Hoover spent their whole lives being extreme homophobes. The book, Nixon’s Darkest Secrets: The Inside Story Of America’s Most Troubled President will be OUT on January 31, 2012. Updates to Come…:)
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1 comment:

Dan Allen said...

Next month, Don Fulsom’s racy bio, Nixon’s Darkest Secrets, asserts that Nixon carried on a decades-long affair with Mafia-connected Floridian Charles “Bebe” Rebozo, unquestionably one of the 37th U.S. President’s closest confidants. Rebozo often vacationed with Prez Dick in Key Biscayne, both with Nixon’s wife Pat along and not. During the men-only visits, the twosome reportedly frolicked together in and out of the water, and gushed over their shared passion for Broadway musicals.

Nixon was far from a lover of the gays: When a close aide to President Johnson was caught having sex with a former sailor in a YMCA bathroom, Nixon called the man “ill,” and added that such people “cannot be in places of high trust.” Yet even in the darkest of times, like Nixon’s 1974 near-impeachment and resignation, the president and Rebozo remained intimate friends. Rebozo was at Nixon’s bedside during his last days in 1994, and when Rebozo himself died four years later, he left millions to the Nixon Presidential Library. The book, Nixon’s Darkest Secrets: The Inside Story Of America’s Most Troubled President will be out on January 31, 2012.

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