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Marriage Equality Groups Merge

By Charlotte Robinson, December 16, 2011
This is an interesting development in our LGBT community. Marriage Equality USA (MEUSA) & Marriage Equality New York (MENY) have agreed to merge, bringing together 2 of the strongest forces in our movement. MENY will continue as a fully functioning chapter within MEUSA. “This is a very exciting day for the grassroots movement to achieve full civil marriage equality nationwide,” stated David Janis-Kitzmiller, MEUSA™ Board Chair. “Considering the changing landscape on this issue, as well as the work that still needs to be done, we believe this decision is a logical & positive step toward achieving our shared mission & goals,” added Brian Silva, MENY Executive Director. The message to both organization members stated, “This agreement comes after over a decade of partnership & successes between the two organizations. Our teams have worked together on numerous projects including local actions on Valentine’s Day & Tax Day as well as Wedding Marches across bridges in San Francisco, Brooklyn, Albany, Rochester & Buffalo.” Updates to Come...:)
Exclusive Chat with Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus on Barney Frank retiring in 2012, Mitt Romney's gay rights flip-flop & LGBT Teen Bullying & more

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Cathy Marino-Thomas said...

Our two organizations will combine their tremendous grassroots talent, resources and years of experience to fight for our shared mission: To secure legally recognized civil marriage equality for all, without regard to sexual orientation or gender identity, at the state and federal level through grassroots organizing, education, action, advocacy and partnerships. While we celebrate recent successes, we are more aware than ever in this election year of the ongoing work that remains to be done on a federal level and all around the country so that we can celebrate equality from sea to shining sea.

Cathy Marino-Thomas, MENY Board Chair

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