On Thursday April 11th friends & supporters of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center (the Center) in NYC will hold its annual gala fundraiser dinner at Cipriani Wall Street to honor community leaders Edie Windsor, Terrence Meck & Neil Tallantire. Special guests Neil Patrick Harris & David Burtka will join the Center to recognize the fabulous work of these individuals while helping the Center raise funds to support its life-changing & life-saving services. The accomplishments of all three honorees extend far beyond the organization: Edie Windsor, for her long-standing contributions & whose case went before the Supreme Court in late March to challenge DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act), Terrence Meck, Executive Director of the Palette Fund which makes grants in support of queer youth, patient navigation, nutrition & wellness & Neil Tallantire, Senior Vice President, Diageo, for his leadership of Diageo's philanthropic support of the LGBT community. Glennda Testone, the Center's Executive Director stated, "We're fortunate this year to have such wonderful friends who stand up every day for fairness & equality for LGBT people. Years from now, history will remember Edie Windsor as a hero of the LGBT civil rights movement. Her long history with the Center & her contributions to the community overall inspired us not just to honor her, but also to name the award after Edie & her late wife Thea. From this year on, the Center will recognize outstanding activist individuals with the Edie Windsor & Thea Spyer Community Trailblazer Award." Also attending will be financial guru Suze Orman ("The Suze Show"), MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts & Broadway star Nick Adams.
For More Info & Tix: mycenter.gaycenter.org
AUDIO: GLAD's Lee Swislow on DOMA & LGBT Rights
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