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Anti Gay Marriage Counter Rally

By Charlotte Robinson, April 27, 2013
Supporters of equal marriage rights for gay & lesbian couples will counter-protest against a rally led by the anti-gay "Illinois Family Institute" at 11A, Saturday, April 27th at 2200 N. Sacramento Avenue in Chicago's Logan Square / Humboldt Park neighborhoods. Both sides are attempting to influence a close vote on Illinois's equal marriage rights bill that may happen sometime in the next few weeks. The Logan Square/Humboldt Park rally is apparently part of a recent IFI strategy to drive a wedge between Latinos & gays, targeting predominately Latino congregations for its anti-gay propaganda. Andy Thayer, co-founder of the Gay Liberation Network stated, "For those of us who remember IFI's repeated dalliances with notorious immigrant-basher & perennial Illinois GOP candidate Jim Oberweis, this is pretty rich. IFI is pursuing a cynical divide-and-conquer strategy that ignores that many people share both immigrant & LGBT identities. While the IFI has flirted with the anti-immigrant 'Tea Party' movement, undocumented LGBTs are in the forefront of the movement for genuine immigration reform." In 2009 the IFI was designated a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for "attacking gay people & homosexuality in general." Saturday's counter-protest is co-sponsored by the Gay Liberation Network (GLN), the Bisexual Queer Alliance Chicago & Queer Fest America.
For More Info: LGBTliberation@aol.com
LISTEN: Gay Allies Address Mormons & Prop 8 In New Novel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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