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NOH8 Hollywood Photo Shoot

By Charlotte Robinson, April 28, 2013
Join the NOH8 Campaign for a special Hollywood-style photo shoot this Sunday April 28th in Los Angeles. Celebrity Photographer & NOH8 Co-Founder Adam Bouska will be working around the clock to photograph 5-10 frames for each person that comes through. This is a fabulous opportunity to be photographed like so many celebrities & LGBT leaders have to shown their support for our community. It’s hosted by Mack Sennett Studios who has graciously donated their largest stage to NOH8 for this unique event. It’s scheduled to begin at 2P until 5P & will feature appearances by special guests throughout the afternoon. Built in 1916, Mack Sennett Studios is Hollywood's oldest continually operating film studio. Now under new ownership they’re better than ever & what a perfect place to host a silent protest than a film studio that originally began producing silent films. Funds raised by the NOH8 Campaign will be used to continue promoting & raising awareness for marriage equality & LGBT anti-discrimination through NOH8’s interactive media campaign. This includes bringing the campaign to other cities around the country, as well as compiling the images for a large-scale media campaign. Under consideration is the expansion of their campaign to other media, including television & radio broadcast, billboards & magazines. Contributions are also used to cover the daily operations & maintenance necessary to run this historical campaign. Solo photos are $40 & couple or group photos are $25 per person. The NOH8 Campaign accepts cash & major credit cards only So Come OUT & Wear White :) For More Info: NOH8Campaign.com 
LISTEN: Gay Allies Address Mormons & Prop 8 In New Novel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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