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Boston Gay Youth Pride Event

By Charlotte Robinson, May 18, 2013
Boston Pride in collaboration with BAGLY & Friends of LGBT Youth are celebrating Massachusetts Youth Pride Today Saturday May 18th from 11A to 4P at the Boston Common. Massachusetts Youth Pride is a one-day annual festival that celebrates the year round commitment of diversity of youth within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. They’re expecting more than 5,000 LGBT youth, adult allies & supporters to march in this year’s parade. The parade will start at the Boston Common Bandstand & will march up Beacon Street, turn left on Bowdoin Street, then turn right on Cambridge Street, right on Tremont Street & end back at the Bandstand, where the festival will be held. This year’s festival will feature live entertainment & vendors for all ages. Malcolm Carey Boston Pride Committee Board Member stated, “Youth Pride is a great opportunity for the younger members of Massachusetts’ LGBT community to gather together & celebrate pride & awareness. The youth are heavily involved in all of the decision making & planning & the event will be a great celebration & resource for all attendees.” The Massachusetts Youth Pride celebration started in 1994 when a committee of young people rallied at the steps of the State House & marched through Boston’s streets. The tradition has continued through the years & has evolved into a full day event. This year’s festival will include dozens of community & resource tables for the youth as well as speakers & live entertainment. Check in is at 9:30A then 10A is the Gather & Mingle with a Rally at 11A. At 12noon the March Kicks Off & then the Festival runs from 1-4P. The weather is perfect so get out & support our LGBT youth! Updates to Come…:)

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