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Boston Pride Week May 31- June 9

By Charlotte Robinson, May 28, 2013
Boston Pride’s theme this year is “Moving Forward…Proud, Strong, United.” Linda DeMarco, President of Boston Pride stated, “Boston’s LGBT community has witnessed much adversity throughout the fight for equality over the past few decades. In working together, the community has become a leader in the fight for LGBT rights. Pride Week this year will celebrate the importance of continuing to lead this nation in the fight for equality as a united front.” The Boston Pride Committee invites you to kick-off Pride Week by participating in their annual Flag Raising Ceremony Friday, May 31st on the Plaza of Boston’s City Hall at 12 noon. The Flag Raising over City Hall Ceremony is the official, symbolic & important event that initiates Boston Pride Week 2013. Then on Pride Day Saturday, June 1st at Faneuil Hall one of Boston's most historic landmarks, celebrate Pride with a family friendly event including entertainers, awards, shopping, food & more. Hosted by Raquel Blake, one of New England’s Premiere Drag Performers, it is sure to be a fun filled day of music, dance & entertainment. Rain or shine there's plenty to see & do. There will be parties & special events all week long including Boston's biggest & most popular parade & festival on June 8th. Updates to Come…:)  
For Events & More Info: bostonpride.org 
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