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Gay Marriage Returns to California

By Charlotte Robinson, June 29, 2013
Now that Prop 8 has been dismissed on a lack of standing by the US Supreme Court the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit lifted its stay of the historic Federal District Court decision that found Proposition 8 unconstitutional. With marriage equality now restored in California the Plaintiffs who successfully challenged California’s Proposition 8 in Hollingsworth v. Perry were married. Plaintiffs Kris Perry & Sandy Stier of Berkeley, California were married Friday at City Hall in San Francisco. They were the first gay or lesbian couple to be married in California post-Proposition 8. California Attorney General Kamala Harris officiated. Perry & Stier’s son Elliott Perry served as a witness. Plaintiffs Paul Katami & Jeff Zarrillo of Burbank, California will be married at City Hall in Los Angeles. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will officiate. Katami and Zarrillo’s best friends, Scott Jones and Devin Swanson of South Pasadena, California, will serve as witnesses.The weddings took place just 2 days after the United States Supreme Court issued a decision in Hollingsworth v. Perry that restores marriage equality to California. Plaintiff Kris Perry stated, “On Wednesday, the Supreme Court of the United States acknowledged that gay & lesbian Californians are equal under the law & can once again marry the person they love. Sandy & I realized that promise of equality, as we stand here united in marriage. We look forward to spending the rest of our lives together. Yet we will never forget this day—the day the freedom to marry was restored to our home state.” California becomes the 13th sate where gay marriage is the law. Updates to Come…:)
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