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Gay Military & Allies Equality Video

By Charlotte Robinson, June 19, 2013
Freedom to Marry & Outserve-SLDN released the latest video in their “Freedom to Serve, Freedom to Marry” campaign series. It features three prominent straight allies – Retired Rear Admiral Jamie Barnett, Army Major Mary Bergner & former Congressman & Army Captain Patrick Murphy speaking out in support of married gay & lesbian service members. The so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) prevents legally married gay & lesbian couples from receiving over 1,100 federal protections that heterosexual couples receive. Evan Wolfson, founder & president of Freedom to Marry stated, “America’s gay & lesbian service members are just as brave, courageous & heroic as non-gay soldiers, yet they are still barred from sharing in the critical safety-net of protections that come with being legally married. No service member should have to worry about their family while they are risking their lives overseas. It’s time for the federal government to give gay & lesbian soldiers, their military spouses & their families the same respect & support that non-gay soldiers receive & strike down the so-called Defense of Marriage Act.” Army Veteran & OutServe-SLDN Executive Director Allyson Robinson added, “As we await the Supreme Court’s decision, we are reminded that this is not just a gay or lesbian issue. This goes to the heart of readiness, retention & cohesion & America’s service members & veterans - no matter what their sexual orientation - know that this is a discriminatory & harmful law that must be relegated to the dustbins of history.”
Listen: Gabby Hanna on Ptown Int'l Film Festival June 19-23

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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