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Gay Marriage Supreme Court Quest

By Charlotte Robinson, June 25, 2013
We've been waiting on pins & needles for the much-anticipated US Supreme Court rulings on the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) & California's Proposition 8. All month we’ve been anticipating a decision & it looks like today will be the day. The LGBT political community is lining up with their experts to address whatever that decision may be. So now the Chief Justice says that tomorrow at 10A will be the last day & that they will release all the remaining opinions including Hollingsworth v. Perry, the Prop 8 case, United States v. Windsor, the Defense of Marriage Act case. We’ve given a lot of thought about which way the high court will rule. In regards to Prop 8 we think a few possible scenarios may occur. It could possibly be thrown back to the high court in California which has already found Prop 8 unconstitutional or it could settle this matter once & for all so that gay & lesbian couples in that state could resume being granted marriage licenses as they did before this horrendous bill passed in that state. We would like to remain on the positive end of that decision. As for United States v. Windsor which has already ruled section 3 of DOMA unconstitutional in New York we hope that this will lead to legally married gay & lesbian couples in the states where gay marriage is legal will be granted the 1100 federal rights provided for heterosexual couples. We again are thinking & hoping that the US Supreme Court will rule on the right side of history but anything can happen. What do you think?
Updates to Come…:)

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