Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) is sponsoring a free forum for the LGBT community entitled “LGBT Immigration in a Post-DOMA World.” No one may have been waiting more anxiously for the end of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) than bi-national gay & lesbian couples. DOMA made it dangerous for many of these couples to marry. If they did marry, they were unable to sponsor a non-citizen spouse for permanent residency, like heterosexual couples could. The recent Supreme Court ruling striking down DOMA means that for many couples marriage can now provide a way for them to permanently live together in the United States. The free forum “LGBT Immigration in a Post-DOMA World” will be held on Wednesday, July 24th from 5:30 to 7:30P at Northeastern University Room 240, Dockser Hall, Northeastern Law School, 65 Forsyth St. Boston, MA. Participating panelists will be Richard Iandoli, Iandoli & Desai, P.C., Janson Wu, GLAD, Tom Plummer, Immigration Equality & Sara Fleming of Ross Silverman LLP. Co-sponsors for the forum are Northeastern Law School Queer Caucus; Hispanic Black Gay Coalition; Queer Asian Pacific-Islander Alliance, Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition; The Network La Red; MassEquality; Family Equality Council; Boston Pride; & Northeastern Law School Black Law Students Association. This event is free & open to the public. Refreshments will be provided.
For Info & To RSVP: glad.org
Listen: Gay Author Richard Bowes Talks About New Book & More
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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