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Gay Marriage Funding Campaign

By Charlotte Robinson, July 15, 2013
A new crowd-funding campaign has been launched to raise $25,000 or more for the nonprofit Freedom to Marry. They have until August 5th to achieve their goal & four LGBT owned & operated companies are donating gift incentives depending on what level your contribution is. The four companies are: Wolfe Video - The largest exclusive distributor of LGBT films in the world, Lesbian.com - The online hub dedicated to enriching & empowering the global lesbian community, OneGoodLove.com - The first online dating site for relationship-minded gay & lesbian singles, & Sweet - The eco-friendly lesbian travel site. Freedom to Marry is pursuing its Roadmap to Victory by working to win the freedom to marry in more states, grow the national majority for marriage & end marriage discrimination. Freedom to Marry partners with individuals & organizations across the country to end the exclusion of gay & lesbian couples from marriage & the protections, responsibilities & commitment that marriage brings. Evan Wolfson, Founder of Freedom to Marry stated, “Despite the Supreme Court ruling that strikes down a central part of the Defense of Marriage Act, some federal programs are now based on where couples live — not where they were married. Until the Obama administration & Congress do their parts to implement the court’s ruling, applying the time-honored “place of celebration” standard that respects lawful marriages by states like New York, the United States will remain a patchwork & marriages will sputter in & out like cellphone service. And, of course, though the Supreme Court’s other marriage decision restored the freedom to marry to couples in California — along with the 12 other states that we’ve won — 37 states still refuse to issue marriage licenses to loving & committed gay & lesbian couples.”
For More Info & Donate To Campaign: yeslgbt.com 
Listen: Celebrity Filmmakers On Their Films & LGBT Rights 
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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