Gay marriage goes into effect in Rhode Island on August 1st. To help couples plan ahead & avoid legal pitfalls, Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), together with Marriage Equality Rhode Island & Rhode Islanders United for Marriage will offer a free webinar on Thursday, July 11th from 12P to 1P. This webinar will help couples prepare to marry in The Ocean State. When Rhode Island’s marriage equality bill was signed into law on May 1, 2013, becoming the 10th state where gay & lesbian couples could legally marry thoughts may have turned to cakes & invitation lists, but couples also should prepare by educating themselves about the legal practicalities of marriage. GLAD Attorney Janson Wu will present marriage basics & answer questions such as:
What does Rhode Island require of couples who intend to marry? How will marriage affect my children? With the fall of DOMA, how will federal law treat my marriage?
What if I already had a civil union in RI or was married in another state? The webinar will include ample time for questions from participants. This is a great opportunity to chat with GLAD the architects of gay marriage in this country, Marriage Equality Rhode Island (MERI) the only organization in Rhode Island whose mission is solely to achieve LGBTQI equality through policy change & Rhode Islanders United for Marriage.
Couples who are interested in signing up for the webinar can register online here:
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