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Laverne Cox LGBT & Black

By Charlotte Robinson, July 16, 2013
With the horrendous not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman murder case causing the entire country to erupt over the unjust racist decision, this month The Advocate examines what it is like to be black & gay in America today. Advocate contributor Darnell L. Moore who also works at the Hetrick-Martin Institute, shares how his life has been shaped by the multiple identities that mark his life & how as a black, gay man, his personal experiences are often missing from narratives of gay progress. Additionally essays are provided on the black LGBT experience in America by CNN Anchor Don Lemon, Actress Laverne Cox, Aaron Walton, Doug Spearman & Janora McDuffie. Laverne Cox transgender actress stated, “When I was perceived as a black man I became a threat to public safety. When I was dressed as myself, it was my safety that was threatened. It was usually other black people who policed my gender, called me out, or made fun of me on subways, street corners & in delicatessens. I believe it is because I am also black that I became their target. These same folks would often ignore white trans & gender nonconforming folks in the same spaces, even those who passed even less that I did at the time. Systemic racism not only encourages the state & non-black individuals to police & monitor black bodies, white supremacy encourages other black folks to do so as well.”  
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Listen: Laverne Cox Interview on OUTTAKE VOICES™
Listen: Gay Author Richard Bowes Talks About New Book & More
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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