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Anti Gay Exxon Exposed

By Charlotte Robinson, September 04, 2013
For its October/November cover story The Advocate examines how Exxon has refused to join other corporations in supporting its LGBT employees & families. In 2012 & again in 2013 the Human Rights Campaign gave Exxon Mobil a negative 25 out of 100 possible points on its annual Corporate Equality Index. It is the lowest score ever received by any corporation. No other company has ever received a negative score. Actually in 2013 HRC found nearly 90% of Fortune 500 companies had adopted written nondiscrimination policies prohibiting harassment & discrimination based on sexual orientation. Not only did Exxon fail to meet any of HRC’s criteria for an LGBT inclusive workplace it has also actively worked for 15 years against annual shareholder resolutions calling for such inclusion. To pour more fuel on the fire Exxon actually erased nondiscriminatory & partner benefit policies in place in companies it has purchased like Mobil Oil Corporation in 1999 & XTO Energy in 2010. It is the only company known to have ever permanently done so. Congressman Alan Lowenthal of California, a cosponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act & the sponsor of an amendment barring Exxon from winning future government oil & gas leases until it changes its LGBT policies stated, “Exxon is just such a rogue outfit. You don’t have to be progressive just to join the rest of the human race & not discriminate. I don’t get it.” Please stop filling up at Exxon companies.
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