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Gay Marriage & New Jersey

By Charlotte Robinson, September 28, 2013
After years of denial New Jersey district court Judge Mary Jacobson ordered the state to start granting marriage license to same-gender couples on October 21st. The ruling is in line with the New Jersey Supreme Court's 2006 decision compelling the state to grant equal status to both same & opposite gender couples. Of course homophobic New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s administration released a statement that it will appeal this ruling to the state's Supreme Court. However we all know it’s just a matter of time & New Jersey will join the fourteen other states where marriage equality is the law. John Lewis Marriage Equality USA Legal & Policy Director stated, "It's a brand new day since the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark marriage decisions in June. While today's decision may be appealed, it shows the accelerating pace of progress towards the day when all New Jersey couples are treated equally under the law." MEUSA Executive Director Brian Silva added, "We will not rest until we have full equality from coast to coast. Marriage Equality USA & our project, the National Equality Action Team (NEAT), appreciate the tremendous momentum generated by today's ruling as we continue the day-to-day work of making the freedom to marry a reality in New Jersey & nationwide." Updates to Come…:)
For More Info: MEUSA.org
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