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Hawaii To Address Gay Marriage

By Charlotte Robinson, September 10, 2013
It looks like Hawaii may be the next state to pass gay marriage. Governor Neil Abercrombie called for a special legislative session to move forward on a bill that would legalize gay marriage. If lawmakers pass the bill Hawaii would join 13 U.S. states & the District of Columbia in passing marriage equality. The special session is scheduled to begin Oct. 28th. Twenty years ago it looked like Hawaii would be the first state to pass gay marriage but passed civil unions instead which stops short of the full benefits of marriage. If the bill is passed Hawaii could begin issuing licenses & conducting ceremonies by Nov. 18th according to Attorney General David Louie. Right now Hawaii's legislative chambers are both overwhelmingly Democratic with only one Republican senator among 25 in the state’s senate & Democrats outnumber Republicans in their House 44-7. However support for the bill is tight in the House according to Speaker Joseph Souki after meeting with Abercrombie & other lawmakers in a Democratic caucus. Governor Abercrombie stated, "Every variation on a view with regard to the issue of marriage & equitable treatment for those engaged in marriage has been aired, has been analyzed, has been discussed. No one has been left out or has been marginalized in the process to this point.” Abercrombie added he chose to call a special session rather than allow legislators to consider the issue next year in part because of implications on taxes for this year. Updates To Come...:)
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