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Anti Gay Sochi Winter Olympics

By Charlotte Robinson, September 27, 2013
The International Olympic Committee announced that it’s "satisfied" that Russia's homophobic, hateful, anti gay law does not violate the Olympic charter. This means the IOC won't take any action that could help protect millions of LGBT Russians & international travelers including Olympic athletes all of whom are at risk of persecution under this law. Jean-Claude Killy, chairman of the IOC's Co-ordination Commission, said the IOC did not have the right to discuss the host country's laws. The position of the IOC is totally appalling especially since the Olympic charter clearly states: "Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, religion, politics, gender or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the Olympic Movement." Chad Griffin HRC President stated, “If this law doesn’t violate the IOC’s charter, then the charter is completely meaningless. The safety of millions of LGBT Russians & international travelers is at risk & by all accounts the IOC has completed neglected its responsibility to Olympic athletes, sponsors & fans from around the world. The IOC and its new president, Thomas Bach, are putting the good reputation of the Olympic Games & its corporate sponsors in jeopardy.” Of course this whole thing is really about money rather than human rights. Killy said the IOC commission was pleased with the ongoing construction ahead of the games with a total cost of $51 billion making Sochi the most expensive Olympics in history.
Updates to Come…:)
Listen: Rev Richard Emmanuel On Pope’s LGBT Humanity & Sochi
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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