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Gay Snow Day In Boston

By Charlotte Robinson, January 03, 2014

Fifteen inches of snow & counting is the story in Boston today. It’s actually 5 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill of 15 below. Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has declared state of emergency as we dig out from the first major snowstorm of 2014. The snow is light & drifting but the chilling temperatures will cause frostbite if you don’t bundle up like a character out of “A Christmas Story”. The snow is expected to stop by noon in Boston then we’ll make our way out to clean off our cars & explore the winter wonderland. Fortunately we ventured out yesterday for the needed supplies to see this storm through. Now it’s just keeping cozy, watching movies & waiting for the snow to end. This is the time when New Englanders wonder why they live in this climate & entertain thoughts of laying on the beach on some tropical island. Then we remember though at the moment we’re socked in with snow across all of New England this is an LGBT equality zone. All six New England states have passed gay marriage & we’re leading the rest of the country towards full LGBT civil rights. So when you think about that what’s a little snow? Updates To Come…:)
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