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Sybil Danning Rocks LA Bounty

By Charlotte Robinson, January 04, 2014

Dealing with record low temperatures across the nation we surfed free movies on Comcast on-demand & found a hot gem in gay ally Sybil Danning’s “LA Bounty”. This 1989 cult classic play like a human video game where the Queen of the Action Flicks plays the lead as bounty hunter Rugar who comes to the aid of damsel in distress Kelly Rhodes played by Lenore Kasdorf. You may remember Lenore who played sexy Rita Bauer on the TV soap Guiding Light where I met & worked with her during my CBS days. We also interviewed Danning a few years ago on OUTTAKE VOICES when she talked about the gay TV network here TV where she starred in their series “The Lair” as Frau Von Hess. (Listen Below) But getting back to “LA Bounty”… Being that this film was made in 1989 it was refreshing to see the absence of cellphones & hi-tech as Danning singlehandedly takes on her evil adversaries led by Wings Hauser who plays Cavanaugh a very sick cookie. The caption for the movie states that Danning, “an ex-cop turned bounty hunter goes after a crazed killer”, which is a bit understated for the 80’s fashion feast that this film oozes. Austrian Danning appears like a female Arnold Schwarzenegger cleaning up Dodge as she takes on killers at every turn & saves the day. You’ll love this film that contains all the cult blood & gore killings of a fabulous B movie classic for your cabin fever entertainment.
“LA Bounty” is free on Comcast on-demand.
LISTEN: Sybil Danning Talks The Lair & LGBT Issues 
Kate Clinton Reviews 2013 & Talks 2014 & More

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Rossi said...

Sybil Danning truly shines in "LA Bounty"! Her captivating performance and undeniable charisma make the movie a must-watch. Her portrayal adds depth and excitement to the story, showcasing her incredible talent and presence on screen. It's impressive how she effortlessly embodies her character, leaving a lasting impact on the audience. Kudos to Sybil Danning for once again proving herself as a powerhouse in the world of cinema. "LA Bounty" is a true testament to her acting prowess and a thrilling cinematic experience that shouldn't be missed! 👏🎬🌟


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