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Sip The Rainbow Event (VIDEO)

By Charlotte Robinson, May 14, 2014

In Boston the annual Sip the Rainbow takes place May 16th at the BCAE on the eve of the 10th Anniversary of the first gay & lesbian marriages in Massachusetts. Enjoy signature cocktails in colors of the Pride flag as you mix & mingle your way through a lively celebration of an historic moment in our community & the nation. There will also be a special preview of two photo exhibits featuring the work of Marilyn Humphries & Susan Symonds. Photographer Joel Benjamin is also exhibiting his work. It’s all happening Friday, May 16th from 6P to 8P at Boston Center for Adult Education 122 Arlington Street in Boston. Then on May 20th there will be another event at BCAE entitled “A Public Conversation: 10 Years of Gay Marriage” from 6:30P to 8P. This special lecture & discussion program takes a look back at the dramatic victory in the fight for marriage equality as it played out from the extraordinary ruling by the Massachusetts Supreme Court in the Goodridge case to the euphoric first weddings on May 17, 2004. Hear personal accounts from some of the major players, including plaintiffs Rob Compton, David Wilson, Hillary Goodridge, & Julie Goodridge with former Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Justice John M. Greaney. The event is moderated by Jared Bowen, Executive Editor & Host of the WGBH weekly television series Open Studio. Now watch our historic award-winning short film entitled "OUTTAKE: Gay Marriage 2004" shot from midnight on May 17, 2004 in Cambridge & throughout the day in Boston when marriage equality became the law in Massachusetts.
LISTEN: 25 Celebrities & Athletes Come Out For LGBT Equality

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Great event and GREAT documentary....I remember it all as if it were yesterday.....hope everyone takes a moment to see first hand the beginning of Gay Marriage in this country. Bravo!

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