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Copenhagen Gay Pride Video Request

By Charlotte Robinson, August 11, 2014
Copenhagen Pride is inviting our global LGBT community to make a short one-minute silent video greeting for Copenhagen Pride 2014, which runs August 27th to August 30th. Their slogan this year is COMING OUT FOR GLOBAL RIGHTS. They’re asking that you somehow include their slogan in the video, either directly or symbolically or metaphorically, although it’s not a must. Thomas Rasmussen, Communications Director for Copenhagen Pride stated, “The video greeting should be maximum 1 minute long & can include whatever you feel like. Maybe some footage from the LGBT community in your area, a funny or happy scene or something from your everyday life - or your dreams, hopes & aspirations for the future when it comes to acceptance & tolerance. You are also welcomed to address very specific LGBT issues & yes, you can be political, humorous, festive, serious, fabulous, naughty or whatever you feel like. Also make sure that your country or city as well as your name or your organization's name is included in the video. You do not need to be professional to take part in this at all - creativity is key.” The video should work without sound, so they encourage you to use handwritten signs, subtitles, banners, text etc. for your messages. The videos must be received before August 22nd & will be shown in Copenhagen Pride Square every day during Pride Week. This is an opportunity to promote your causes & your organizations or yourself & at the same time become a visual & very important part of this year's pride celebration in Denmark. Videos should preferably be in HD quality & sent to this email address: pride.copenhagen@gmail.com via Dropbox or something similar no later than August 22nd.
Watch Sample Video…. 
Listen: Director Alexia Kosmider Talks New Doc TransJourney
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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