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Gay Marriage Returns to SCOTUS

By Charlotte Robinson, August 28, 2014
Fierce marriage equality advocate Ted Olson has filed once again to the US Supreme Court to review yet another gay marriage case Bostic v. Schaefer, the Virginia marriage equality case sponsored by the American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER). Last week the U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay in this case preventing gay & lesbian couples in that state from marrying. Ted Olson stated, “The Supreme Court must take up the Bostic case, answer once & for all the surpassingly important constitutional question of marriage equality & rule decisively in favor of the fundamental right to marry for every gay & lesbian couple.” Adam Umhoefer, Executive Director of American Foundation for Equal Rights added, “This case is about justice & about redeeming the constitutional guarantee of equality for countless gay& lesbian couples that has been denied for far too long. Since AFER’s founding, we have looked toward a day when all Americans, gay or straight, can marry the person they love. We have successfully argued in favor of marriage equality once before at the Supreme Court & restored the freedom to marry in California. We are prepared to argue the case for freedom & equality for all couples across the nation & the Supreme Court must rule in favor of the fundamental right to marry for all Americans.” Should the Supreme Court agree to hear the AFER case, the stay issued August 20, 2014 will remain in place until the case has been fully briefed, argued & decided by the high court. So in other words, here we go again…
For More Info: afer.org
LISTEN: Ted Olson & David Boies Talk About Virginia Appeal WinHear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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