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Virginia Gay Marriage & SCOTUS

By Charlotte Robinson, August 19, 2014
UPDATE: U.S. Supreme Court Issues Stay in Bostic v. Schaefer, Virginia’s Marriage Equality Case. Gay & lesbian couples will not be able to marry.....yet.
Lawyers representing the plaintiffs in the Virginia marriage equality case have petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court not to delay gay & lesbian marriages in that state. The lawyers are responding to a petition by defendants seeking a stay of the United States Circuit Court for the Fourth Circuit’s decision that found Virginia’s marriage ban unconstitutional by urging the Supreme Court not to delay the issuance of marriage licenses for gay & lesbian couples in Virginia. Ted Olson, lead co-counsel for the Bostic plaintiffs stated, “Virginia’s exclusion of gays & lesbians from the fundamental right to marriage causes painful, irreparable & immeasurable injury to large numbers of its citizens every day & every moment it remains in existence & humiliates & stigmatizes these individuals & their children in ways too numerous to enumerate. Courts all over the country are overwhelmingly & with an unprecedented degree of unanimity recognizing that there is no legal basis for continuing to impose this kind of harm on our fellow citizens. There is no justification for staying the effect of the Fourth Circuit’s decision upholding the rights of Virginians to marry the person they love.” Should Chief Justice Roberts, the U.S. Supreme Court Justice responsible for emergency petitions made within the Fourth Circuit, deny the stay request, marriages for gay & lesbian couples would be set to begin at 8A on Thursday, August 21, 2014. AFER (American Foundation for Equal Rights) is the primary sponsor of the Bostic case. Updates to Come…
For More Info: afer.org
LISTEN: Ted Olson & David Boies Talk About Virginia Appeal WinHear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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