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Supreme Court & Gay Marriage

By Charlotte Robinson, April 28, 2015
Today the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments addressing marriage equality consolidating cases from four states, under the official name Obergefell v. Hodges. There are two overall questions being argued: Question 1: Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to license a marriage between two people of the same sex? Question 2: Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed & performed out-of-state? Janson Wu GLAD Executive Director stated, “At 10A today GLAD’s Mary Bonauto will stand before the U.S. Supreme Court to make the case for the freedom to marry for all. I know she's ready & that she is buoyed by the enormous outpouring of support everyone in our community has shown her. Mary will stand up on behalf of three courageous couples seeking the security & respect of marriage: April DeBoer & Jayne Rowse of Michigan; Timothy Love & Lawrence Ysunza & Dominique James & Maurice Blanchard of Kentucky. She’ll also be representing the hopes of everyone in the country still denied the right to marry the person they love. I’ll be in the courtroom today, too & I’ll share my thoughts with you once the arguments conclude a little later today.” Stay Tuned…UPDATES@GLADLaw@SCOTUS…:)
LISTEN: GLAD Talks U.S. Supreme Court Gay Marriage Case
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U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) said...

Equality and freedom from discrimination are fundamental to who we are as a country. They are the birthrights of every American. Nearly two years ago, the Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling striking down the Defense of Marriage Act as unconstitutional, and since then, federal judge after federal judge has rightly ruled that state bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional as well. As the Supreme Court hears oral arguments today challenging state bans on same-sex marriage, I hope the justices will see that these bans are state-sponsored discrimination and counter to our values. Over the past few years, it has become undeniable that this country is ready for marriage equality, and it is time for the Supreme Court to recognize that and affirm equality once more.

Marilyn Rosen said...

What an historic day this is....thanks for reporting and clarifying the issues to be discussed. Love the visual!

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