The National LGBTQ Task Force along with the Freedom Center for Social Justice are urging activists, organizers & leaders from across the nation to gather on Saturday February 13th for the 10th annual Mass Moral March in Raleigh, North Carolina. Advocates will join in solidarity to advance voting rights, labor rights, education equality, health care for all, equal protection under the law & police reform. Rev. Rodney McKenzie, Jr. Director of the Academy for Leadership & Action stated, “It’s high time we had a fair democracy, strong workers’ rights, full access to excellent education, free health care, a transformed policing service & lived freedom, justice, equality & equity for all. The more people we have with us this weekend, the more likely we can hurry history this year.” The National LGBTQ Task Force is chartering a bus from Washington, DC to Raleigh, NC. Space is available but limited. The bus will depart the Task Force's Washington, DC office on Saturday, February 13th at 4A & leave Raleigh, NC at 3:30 p.m. E.T. the same day. Last summer, the Task Force joined activists to rally for voting rights in Roanoke, VA & in November released an LGBTQ voting rights toolkit. The organization has also endorsed Democracy Awakening 2016, a major mobilization effort to restore voting rights & to fix our broken democracy.
For More Info: thetaskforce.org
LISTEN: Groundswell A New LGBT Retreat & Ecovillage
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™