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Childhood With An LGBT Parent

In a UK study in Psychology & Sexuality authors Victoria Clarke & Eleni Demetriou found that children of lesbian, gay or transgender parents accept diversity, have the advantage of parental openness, pride in facing prejudice & overall the family unit centers on love just like any other family. Clarke & Demetriou conducted a survey of 14 adults, 13 of whom were born to a heterosexual relationship in which one partner came out as gay, lesbian or transgender. Participants were invited to recount their stories of childhood & the present in relation to opening up about their families & the effect on their own adult relationships & sexuality. The results endorsed previous findings of positive influences in childhood tolerance, acceptance, honesty, respect & broad mindedness. Many downplayed the importance of parental sexuality in their upbringing & attached more importance to having a parent of each gender (regardless of sexuality), having a strong biological link to parents & in one case stressing the masculinity of his gay father. Clarke & Demetriou concluded, “Adult children of lesbian, gay & transgender parents clearly reject the notion that they have been ‘damaged’ by their LGT parents’ sexuality/gender identity & by being a member of a non-normative family. They present their families as ‘just like’ other families & downplay the significance of their parents’ sexuality/gender identity…participants located the source of any difficulties they & their parents had experienced in a heterosexist, homophobic & transphobic social context.”
For More Info: tandfonline.com
LISTEN: Activist Brian Silva Talks Winning Nondiscrimination
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LGBT Spin On Oscar Diversity

We’re gearing up to watch the 88th Academy Awards tonight. For our LGBT community we have a mixed spin on representation of LGBT diversity in this year’s nominees. Though “Carol” the fabulous romantic lesbian film & “The Danish Girl” about the first transgender pioneer both received nominations they were not included in Best Director or Best Picture category & “Tangerine” was totally overlooked. However last night at the Independent Spirit Awards history was made when Mya Taylor won for Best Supporting Actress in “Tangerine” becoming the first transgender actress to win a major film award. Laverne Cox stated, “I am so happy, inspired & proud of Mya Taylor for making history tonight becoming the first transgender actor to win at the Spirit Awards. And I loved her call to action in her acceptance speech to the filmmakers in the room to put transgender talent in your films. We have award winning talent & craft that just needs a chance to shine.” Also at the Independent Spirit Awards Ed Lachman won for Best Cinematography for “Carol”. Carol’s Ed Lachman & Screenwriter Phyllis Nagy are both nominated for Oscars tonight along with Cate Blanchett for Best Actress & Rooney Mara for Best Supporting Actress with “The Danish Girl” Eddie Redmayne nominated for Best Actor along with Alicia Vikander for Best Supporting Actress. So while we wait to see who wins this year listen to our exclusive audio interview with Oscar Nominated Screenwriter Phyllis Nagy:

LISTEN: Activist Brian Silva Talks Winning Nondiscrimination
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Hispanic Agenda LGBTQ Inclusive

The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA) which is a coalition of 40 of the nation's preeminent Latino advocacy organizations released its quadrennial Hispanic Public Policy Agenda, a comprehensive outline of the policy concerns & priorities of the nation's Latino community. The coalition urged the candidates for president, along with Congress & the current administration to take careful note of the policy recommendations which affect the 58 million Latinos in the United States. Along with long-held positions on issues such as economic empowerment & immigration, the 2016 policy agenda includes policy recommendations specifically aimed at improving the well-being of LGBTQ Latinos. Jessica González-Rojas, Co-Chair of the NHLA Health Committee & Executive Director at the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health stated, “Since joining NHLA four years ago, I have been honored to be among a growing cadre of Latina leaders working to ensure that we fully embrace & include Latinas in a policy agenda that recognizes the challenges of gender-based discrimination & violence, & the importance of health care for women & LGBTQ Latino/as. This year’s agenda is the most gender-inclusive in the history of NHLA! The policy priorities outlined demonstrate a commitment to improving Latina reproductive health & rights, critical measures to expand health care access for LGBTQ Latino/as, to ensure that young parents have the resources needed to thrive & to address HIV and AIDS within our communities, regardless of immigration status." The policy agenda covers the unique health challenges facing our LGBTQ Latino community as well as the need to protect LGBTQ Latinos from employment discrimination & abuse in immigration detention. In the criminal justice context, the coalition calls for better data collection that includes sexual orientation & for ending the use of solitary confinement for transgender & gender non-conforming individuals. This is the most explicitly LGBT-inclusive policy agenda produced by the NHLA to date.
For Info: nationalhispanicleadership.org
LISTEN: Activist Brian Silva Talks Winning Nondiscrimination
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston Pride Week 2016 Theme

Boston Pride announced that the theme for 2016 will be “Solidarity Through Pride.” Hundreds from the community participated in the vote that selected this year’s theme with many suggestions that touched on solidarity & the issues faced within the LGBT community. The theme encourages the LGBT community to see that there are multiple struggles in a wide range of communities but are all related and intertwined. This is the first year that Boston Pride has had the same theme as InterPride, the organization that ties together Pride organizations across the globe. Sylvain Bruni Boston Pride President stated, “Our theme for 2016, Solidarity Through Pride, recognizes the intersectionality of identities within our very diverse community & the call for solidarity & support among all parts of our community. The theme also reminds the community & beyond that they need to stay unified to gain equality for all, beyond marriage, to fight the epidemic of violence against trans women of color, eliminate trans & bi-phobia, racism, anti-Semitism & to ensure the protection of our youth.” Intersectionality is the overlapping of social identities & relates to the concept of how discrimination against one ultimately represents discrimination against all. Intersectionality will be the topic of discussion of an upcoming public Community Forum hosted by Boston Pride, Black Pride & Latin@Pride with a focus on the challenges faced by trans people of color in the community, on Tuesday March 22nd at 6:30P at the Blackstone Community Center in Boston. Pride Week 2016 will be held June 3rd-12th in Boston.
For More Info: bostonpride.org
LISTEN: Activist Brian Silva Talks Winning Nondiscrimination
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Ending LGBT Conversion Therapy

The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) & the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) filed a federal consumer fraud complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) against People Can Change, an organization that preys on vulnerable LGBT people & families by using damaging & discredited claims that it can change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Samantha Ames NCLR #BornPerfect Campaign Coordinator stated, “Today, after decades of advocacy, the voices of conversion therapy survivors have carried all the way up to the highest levels of government. This historic complaint is not only the first clear opportunity the Obama Administration has had to end these deadly practices for good, but, if investigated fully, could very well be the final nail in the coffin of the entire conversion therapy industry. We sincerely look forward to working with the Federal Trade Commission to investigate this fraudulent & unethical organization along with every trusted professional who profits from the anguish of LGBTQ youth & their families. But, even more so, we look forward to the day when every human being, no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity, knows they were born perfect.” Chad Griffin HRC President added, “Conversion therapy is abusive, harmful to children & we urge the FTC to join our call to ban its practice once & for all. This is dangerous junk science that uses fear and shame to tell young people the only way to find love & acceptance is by changing the very nature of who they are.”
Read Full Complaint…
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Birth Control & Religious Freedom

The National LGBTQ Task Force has joined 28 other local & national LGBTQ rights, civil rights, youth advocacy & reproductive health, rights & justice organizations in filing an amicus brief in support of respondents in Zubik v. Burwell. The brief is co-authored by the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH) & the Reproductive Justice Clinic at New York University (NYU) School of Law asking the Court to uphold the contraceptive coverage accommodation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Equality opponents are seeking to remove this vital component of the landmark act to further control the reproductive health care choices of millions of Americans. Rea Carey, National LGBTQ Task Force Executive Director stated, "A Supreme Court decision that allows discrimination under the guise of 'religious freedom' would drastically restrict the ability of LGBTQ people to control our reproductive health & sexual lives. Many of us, including cisgender women, transgender men, intersex & gender non-conforming people, can get pregnant & rely on a full range of reproductive health options, including birth control, in order to make the best decisions for ourselves.” Currently the ACA requires health insurance plans to cover birth control at no cost & also allows religiously affiliated employers & for-profit corporations with closely held beliefs like Hobby Lobby to opt out if they submit a form stating their religious objection. If the Supreme Court were to decide against protecting access to birth control or allow the lower court’s decision to stand an employer could refuse to cover contraceptives because of religious beliefs & they could also use religion to refuse to cover other vital health care such as HIV/AIDS medication & PrEP.
Read Brief… 
LISTEN: Activist Brian Silva Talks Winning Nondiscrimination
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston Pride & St. Patrick’s Parade

The LGBT organization Boston Pride will march for the second year in the historic South Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade which will be held on Sunday, March 20th at 1P. Last year Boston Pride & a few other LGBT groups made history by marching in the annual parade after a 20 year absence. Boston Pride’s parade contingent will include a decorated trolley with supporters marching alongside. Sylvain Bruni, President of Boston Pride said that Boston Pride’s experience last year was positive & they look forward to another similar reception from the community in South Boston stating, “This is truly another great moment for Boston Pride, for the LGBT community & for South Boston, as we prepare for our second St. Patrick’s Day Parade. We are looking forward to honoring the Irish heritage of the members of our community & our veterans. We invite everyone to join us for this celebration. We were thrilled with the positive response from parade-goers last year as Boston Pride marched through the streets of South Boston. There are many members of Boston Pride who are veterans & of Irish descent & being able to march in the South Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade for the second year is a great accomplishment for us all.” The South Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade is organized by the Allied War Veteran’s Council & is the nation’s longest running public parade
For More Info: bostonpride.org
LISTEN: Activist Brian Silva Talks Winning Nondiscrimination
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Gay Icon Larry Kramer Speaks Out

In this exclusive audio interview legendary activist & playwright Larry Kramer who was the pioneering co-founder of Gay Men’s Health Crisis & ACT UP talks about how his play “The Normal Heart” eventually found its audience & his frustration with the current AIDS national research policies. When we asked what he would like to see happen for LGBT equality in the next few years Kramer talks about how he would like to see our LGBT community more united with a better & more forceful presence in Washington to lobby for our rights like everyone else does. Kramer also talks about his must-read new book
The American People, Volume 1 in which he rewrites the story of our country, passionately focusing on its homophobia & anti-Semitism in this historical novel. Kramer stated, “Gays have been here since the beginning of America & we’ve been treated like shit since the beginning of America. Hundreds of years later, of being treated like that, it’s probably part of the genetic make-up of all gays to be non-fighters & hiding. We never were good fighters & we still aren’t. That’s our tragedy.” It time for our LGBT community to stand up & take on the fight for full equality. We can’t wait to see what the 2016 election results will be. We need to have federal nondiscrimination legislation passed while Obama is still in office.
LISTEN: Activist Brian Silva Talks Winning Nondiscrimination
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


The Original LGBT Expo

Founded in 1993 the Original LGBT Expo is the largest & longest-running LGBT convention in the world celebrating diversity in business, education, politics, the arts, health, technology, media, travel & non-profit sectors. This year it’s being held Saturday March 12th & Sunday March 13th at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City. The event features over 300 exhibiting companies, many of which are LGBT owned & operated. There will also be an engaging seminar series, live entertainment stage, LGBT Film series & much more. The over 100,000 square foot show floor also spotlights specific areas dedicated to some of the most popular industries catering to the LGBT community including the Silvercar.com Travel Pavilion, Wedding Pavilion, Small Business Pavilion, Non-Profit Pavilion & the all new Family Pavilion. This event is created for attendees of all ages & is a once a year event that should not be missed. There are also lots of performances, special events & after parties. Attendees have the option of two ticket levels, general admission & VIP admission. General admission gets you into the event but VIP admission makes you a part of expo. Tickets are $20 for general admission & $40 for VIP. Children under the age of 12 are free.
For More Info: thelgbtexpo.com
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Transgender Students Rights

The South Dakota Senate has voted 20-15 to pass HB 1008 an extremely dangerous bill that singles out transgender students & prohibits them from using restrooms & locker rooms consistent with who they are. The bill already passed the House & now goes to the governor’s office. Thomas Lewis, a transgender high school student, shared the harms of this bill with South Dakota’s Senate Education Committee last week stating, “People go to the bathroom. It’s one of the most natural things a person can do. No student should be fearful or anxious about which bathroom to use simply because of who they are. When I see a bill like HB 1008 that targets transgender people like me, it hurts. It makes me feel ashamed to call South Dakota my home. And it makes me feel different, as if I am not human. This bill would single out transgender students like me by forcing me to choose between using a different bathroom from the rest of my peers and using a bathroom that doesn’t correspond with my gender identity. This is only going to further bullying, harassment & discrimination. It opens the door to ridicule & public insult by our peers when really, lawmakers should be focusing on passing legislation where every student can be free to be open about who they are in an accepting environment.” Mara Keisling Executive Director, National Center for Transgender Equality added, “This bill hurts transgender students, takes away control from local schools & doesn’t solve any problems. In fact, it does more harm than good to both trans kids & South Dakota’s reputation.” Governor Dennis Daugaard now has five business days to veto this bill before it becomes law.
For More Info: transequality.org
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Meghan Trainor Elle King & More

Last year at The Dinah Shore Weekend Palm Springs we were on the Red Carpet with singer Meghan Trainor who won the 2016 Grammy Award for Best New Artist. This appears to be a real phenomena that after rising artists play at this iconic lesbian event that hosts over 15,00 attendees their careers skyrockets. In the last decade the all-girl party has featured Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Colbie Caillat, India Arie, The Pussycat Dolls, Kesha & more. These are just a few examples of major recording artists that headlined this epic lesbian event while still "unknown" & then systematically went on to hit international superstardom. This year is no exception with Elle King headlining the event that takes place in Palm Springs, California from March 30th to April 3rd in 2016. King who’s hit single “Exs & Ohs” climbed Billboard charts received her first Grammy Nominations in not one but two categories “Best Rock Performance” & “Best Rock Song.” No she didn’t win this year but either did Trainor last year when she went up against Sam Smith. Elle King has toured with James Bay & Ed Sheeran appearing at festivals like Lollapalooza & Bonnaroo & sold out her first two headlining tours. Elle King oozes the kind of raw charismatic talent that leaves you wanting more. It’s electrifying & undeniably best experienced live so don’t miss her Dinah performance. If 2015 was the year she conquered, there’s already every indication that like Meghan Trainor last year 2016 will be the year King will rule the music world.
For More Info & Tix: thedinah.com
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LGBT Valentine Anniversary

My partner & I met 18 years ago on Valentine’s Day & for 16 years we celebrated that day as our anniversary. Then came the fight for marriage equality. After 12 years of gay & lesbian marriage we finally decided to marry on September 21st 2014. Now we’re dealing with the delightful dilemma of which day is our anniversary. When we met or when we married… We have come to the conclusion that all of our eventful days will be celebrated. Adding another day of celebration to both our birthdays as well as all the Hallmark holidays we can’t resist. Then there’s the challenge after 18 years of what to do on this day of celebration of our first meeting combined with Valentine’s Day. That’s easy this year. We’re going to see Rebecca Parris Boston's first lady of jazz returning for her annual concert on the most romantic day of the year Valentine's Day Sunday February 14th at the Regent Theatre in Arlington, Massachusetts at 3P. Then afterwards a romantic dinner at our favorite Cambridge bistro Temple Bar over a couple of smart cocktails. So even though we’re dealing with record cold below zero temperatures in New England there’s always a way to heat things up... even after 18 years…
For Info & Tix: regenttheatre.com
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LGBT Activists At Raleigh Event

The National LGBTQ Task Force along with the Freedom Center for Social Justice are urging activists, organizers & leaders from across the nation to gather on Saturday February 13th for the 10th annual Mass Moral March in Raleigh, North Carolina. Advocates will join in solidarity to advance voting rights, labor rights, education equality, health care for all, equal protection under the law & police reform. Rev. Rodney McKenzie, Jr. Director of the Academy for Leadership & Action stated, “It’s high time we had a fair democracy, strong workers’ rights, full access to excellent education, free health care, a transformed policing service & lived freedom, justice, equality & equity for all. The more people we have with us this weekend, the more likely we can hurry history this year.” The National LGBTQ Task Force is chartering a bus from Washington, DC to Raleigh, NC. Space is available but limited. The bus will depart the Task Force's Washington, DC office on Saturday, February 13th at 4A & leave Raleigh, NC at 3:30 p.m. E.T. the same day. Last summer, the Task Force joined activists to rally for voting rights in Roanoke, VA & in November released an LGBTQ voting rights toolkit. The organization has also endorsed Democracy Awakening 2016, a major mobilization effort to restore voting rights & to fix our broken democracy.
For More Info: thetaskforce.org
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Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Sherry Vine New Queer Network

International drag darling Sherry Vine & former Here-TV executive Josh Rosenzweig are combining their style, humor & sensibility into a one-stop, digital destination the global LGBTQ entertainment needs. gaySVTVworld premieres Sunday February 14th with original shows, specials, music videos, short films & more all free at YouTube.com/MissSherryVine. Sherry Vine stated, “The world needs gaySVTVworld because they are hungry for original programming from top queer talent. We got ‘em all: Haus Of Mimosa, Pickles, David Serrano, Chris Semers & this is only the beginning.” Josh Rosenzweig added, “gaySVTVworld is created by & for LGBTQ audiences. Nobody is going to tell our stories like we will. While our visibility has increased enormously over the last decade with the launch of several LGBT television networks, it is essential that the community have an online space to call our own. A destination where we can go to find like-minded artists & feel the power of the collective.” All shows are under-seven minutes long. The network will kick off its first season with a slate of eight programs, releasing daily, beginning with Sunday’s Sherry & the Greek, an original talk series starring Vine & Chris Semers, discussing a variety of fun topics & performing skits, characters & musical numbers. Sherry Vine’s hilarious video parodies have made her a YouTube sensation, being viewed over 14,000,000 times. Vine has appeared on the off-Broadway stage, in numerous films including Stonewall & Wigstock & she starred in two seasons of Here TV’s variety show “She’s Living For This” produced & directed by Josh Rosenzweig. Watch gaySVTVworld Trailer:
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Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


National Equality Action Team

Marriage Equality USA (MEUSA) & Freedom for All Americans (FFAA) announced that FFAA will serve as the new coalition chair of NEAT, the National Equality Action Team. MEUSA the previous chair of the coalition will be closing as an organization this Spring & has transferred its network & resources to FFAA. NEAT is a grassroots field program that mobilizes supporters of LGBTQ equality & allows anyone, no matter where they live, to play a role in historic campaigns by providing opportunities to engage in direct action, including phone banks, canvassing & knocking on doors. NEAT was originally formed in 2012 to provide support to ballot campaigns on marriage. Its focus will now permanently shift to LGBTQ nondiscrimination campaigns, beginning with current legislative fights in the 2016 session. Brian Silva, executive director of Marriage Equality USA will continue to serve as director of the program for Freedom for All Americans stating, "As opponents to LGBTQ equality attempt to roll back protections in a post-marriage landscape, Freedom for All Americans is the perfect new home for NEAT's advocacy & work. No person should be fired from their job, denied services at a business, or kicked out of their home because of who they are or who they love. NEAT works closely with other organizations & volunteers to ensure that no matter where you live or what the status of nondiscrimination laws are in your state, you can get involved & be a part of advancing equality in America."
For More Info: theneat.org
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Rebecca Parris On Valentine’s Day

If you’re trying to figure out what to do for Valentine’s Day here’s a fabulous option. Boston's first lady of jazz returns for her annual concert on the most romantic day of the year, February 14th at the Regent Theatre in Arlington, Massachusetts at 3P. Parris stated, "I've been doing my traditional Valentine's Day show in Boston for a long time now & I'm thrilled that the Regent has been continuing this tradition in recent years. I'm particularly excited to be coming back this year as part of their 100th Anniversary celebration." Rebecca Parris & her trio will present “In Love with Parris” a memorable romantic afternoon of impeccable vocal jazz with Brad Hatfield on piano Peter Kontrimas on bass & Jim Lattini on drums. Parris who was recently featured on the prestigious Jazz at Lincoln Center stage as part of its landmark “American Songbook” series “gives fresh life to standards & a new gleam to superb, lesser-known gems. Her intelligence, class & masterful musicianship have long been respected among her peers….” Adds, J. Schlesinger, AllAboutJazz.com. Shirley Horn concludes, “Her voice sets her apart from any other vocalist on record today. A mood that transcends the ordinary, that in one moment exudes warmth & is poignant, in another driving hard & swinging.” Built in 1916 the historic Regent Theatre is located at 7 Medford Street in Arlington, Massachusetts. This is a RESERVED SEATING performance & tickets ranges from $20 to $35.
For Info & Tix: regenttheatre.com
LISTEN Diedra Meredith Talks LGBT Academy of Recording Arts
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Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is February 7th an annual day to support & strengthen our commitment to our responsibility to promote HIV testing & mobilize ourselves, our families, schools, places of worship & workplaces to take action against HIV among blacks/African Americans. This year's theme is I Am My Brother/Sister's Keeper: Fight HIV/AIDS. Afro Americans make up 12% of the US population but account for 44% of new HIV diagnoses, the highest rate of all races & ethnicities. Among all blacks, gay & bisexual black men, especially young men, are disproportionately affected. However from 2005 to 2014 new diagnoses among blacks declined by 22% with a 14% decline from 2010-2014. Among black women new diagnoses were cut nearly in half with a 25% decline from 2010-2014. Black gay & bisexual men ages 13-24 experienced a steep increase in new diagnoses but diagnoses among this group declined by 2% from 2010-2014. Sharen Duke, Executive Director of AIDS Service Center NYC stated, “It is important to take this time to educate the public & reach out to African-American New Yorkers, who make up a disproportionate number of those affected by HIV & AIDS. More than half of women with HIV are African-American, rates of HIV transmission among African American men, particularly gay & bisexual men, continue to rise & we must do all we can to move towards an end to this epidemic, an end to new infections & a ceaseless commitment to care for and get new treatments to those living with HIV.”
For Info & Events: ascnyc.org
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Ending LGBT Conversion Therapy

New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has announced a series of comprehensive regulations to prevent the practice of so-called lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender “conversion therapy”. New York joins five other states that have passed legislation to protect LGBTQ youth from this ridiculous dangerous practice that has been deemed harmful to patients by a wide variety of leading medical & mental health professionals. New York will now ban public & private health care insurers from covering the practice in New York State & finally also prohibits various mental health facilities across the state from conducting the practice on minors. Samantha Ames, National Center for Lesbian Rights #BornPerfect Campaign Coordinator & Staff Attorney stated, “We could not be more grateful to Governor Cuomo for standing up to the conversion therapy industry today & protecting LGBTQ New Yorkers from these dangerous & discredited practices. The regulations announced today are historic, not only representing the first time a governor has taken executive action to protect youth from conversion therapy, but also ensuring that protection doesn’t stop when they turn 18. Thanks to the tireless advocacy of survivors, mental health professionals, faith leaders & youth advocates in New York, we are one step closer to finally closing this cruel chapter of our history. We look forward to other states following Governor Cuomo’s leadership and working together toward the day all LGBTQ children know they were born perfect.” California, New Jersey, Washington D.C., Oregon & Illinois have passed legislation to protect LGBTQ youth from “conversion therapy” with leaders from several other states planning introduction of similar legislation in the 2016 legislative session.
For More Info: nclrights.org
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Matt Thorn Leads OutServe-SLDN

The LGBT military organization OutServe-SLDN have announced that Matt Thorn has been named as Executive Director on a permanent basis. Matt has held the position of Interim Executive Director since February 2015. Congressman Mark Pocan stated, “Outserve-SLDN has been an invaluable partner in working to promote the Restore Honor to Service Members Act & Matt’s leadership in the organization gives me confidence that we will continue making progress to ensure all veterans receive the recognition & benefits they deserve. I look forward to working with Matt in his new role as we fight to improve the lives of LGBT military personnel & veterans.” John Gillespie & Jeff Mueller Co-Chairs of OutServe-SLDN Board of Directors concluded, “Over the past year Matt has demonstrated incredible commitment to the interests of our members & stakeholders. OutServe-SLDN has seen substantive forward progress for key initiatives & policies that matter most to the LGBT military community. Matt has reaffirmed the vital role Outserve-SLDN plays in the welfare of our community. His persistence, compassion & service has translated into real progress over the last year, more than we think many expected. We remain confident that Matt’s deep commitment to equality & justice will be a vital asset to our organization as we continue to navigate a post ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” military culture. We could not be more pleased with the performance of Matt as our interim Executive Director. His demonstrated track record in advocacy, social activism & nonprofit management has & will continue to serve OutServe-SLDN well”.
For More Info: www.outserve-sldn.org
LISTEN Diedra Meredith Talks LGBT Academy of Recording Arts
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


The Dinah Palm Springs Heats Up

Celebrity DJ “L Word" iconic star Kate Moennig currently appearing on “Ray Donovan” & “Orange is the New Black” star celebrity DJ Taryn Manning are joining previously announced OITNB comedian & singer Lea DeLaria (Big Boo) to celebrate 26 years of The Dinah Palm Springs, the largest lesbian event in the world that takes from March 30th through April 3rd. Mariah Hanson, founder & promoter of The Dinah stated, “We have put together the most exciting Dinah line up ever. If I could only pick one Dinah to attend, it would be this year. I'm really happy how things came together. Everyone we asked said yes & as a result we have the most star-studded, talented Dinah ever! 26 years & we're better than ever, thanks to our customers & to the amazing talent who see this event as a must do. It's going to be a supreme year.” The 2016 stellar entertainment roster is led by a strong & diverse presence of top female artists including two-time Grammy nominee Elle King, also includes celebrity DJs Samantha Ronson, UH HUH HER’s lead singer Camila Grey & Kate Moennig who together form The X-Names will also be DJing, international top model Madison Paige, rapper Angel Haze, Tracy Reyerson & Hunter Valentine with Kiyomi McCloskey & Laura Petracca’s performing their farewell concert. Also returning this year will be The Dinah Film Fest sponsored by tellofilms with all the tello stars attending including Rolla Selbak, Elizabeth Keener, Clementine Ford, Bridget McManus & more. This must-attend events take place at the Palm Springs Hilton Hotel, the PS Convention Center & Zeldaz Nightclub.
For More Info & Tix: thedinah.com
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Boston Pride Grants Announced

Boston Pride announced the recipients of the first Boston Pride Community Fund. The fund was established to provide grants to small nonprofits & other groups that support the LGBT community. The announcement was made by Boston Pride President Sylvain Bruni & Vice President Linda DeMarco after an independent panel of community members processed all the applications received at the end of 2015. Bruni stated, “We are thrilled to announce the grant recipients of our first ever Boston Pride Community Fund. With the funds raised through various Pride events, we are now able to offer support & visibility to small & community-based projects within our community.” DeMarco concluded, “We congratulate all 2016 Community Fund recipients. And we thank profusely all members of our review panel who thoroughly reviewed every submission, in service to our community.” 2016 Boston Pride Community Fund recipients are: The Tiffany Club of New England, GLSEN Massachusetts, NAGLY Lesbian of Color Symposium (LOCS) Collective, Voices Rising Chorus, In The Streets Productions, Mystic LGBTQ+ Youth Support Network, OUT MetroWest, New England Professional Queer WoMen of Color, Tennis4All Boston & Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance. The Boston Pride Community Fund was established from contributions by community members at the Jamaica Plain & Back Bay Block Parties. It’s Boston Pride’s vision to support annually the Community Fund by giving back monies raised to small non-profit organizations & groups within the LGBT Community. These awards provide an opportunity to educate our greater community about the important work these organizations & groups are performing in service of the LGBT Community.
For More Info: bostonpride.org
LISTEN Diedra Meredith Talks LGBT Academy of Recording Arts
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Ella Boureau Joins Lambda Literary

Lambda Literary announced that Ella Boureau has been named the new Awards Administrator. The Awards Administrator ensures the smooth operation of the LGBT Lambda Literary Awards process from selection of judges to selection of the winners. As Awards Administrator Boureau will also manage Lambda's LGBTQ cash prizes including the Emerging Writer Award & the Outstanding Mid-Career Novelist Prize. Tony Valenzuela, Lambda Literary Executive Director stated, "Ella's passion for LGBTQ literature combined with her broad experience organizing within literary & arts communities make her ideally suited for this work. We're thrilled to have her with Lambda Literary." Ella Boureau concluded, "It has always been my impulse as a creative person to find other queer writers, to honor what they work on & to acknowledge the power that comes from connecting that often lonely pursuit to a larger world. Lambda Literary's mission is born of that same impulse & I'm over the moon to join what is undeniably one of the largest connective forces in the LGBT writing community." Ella is a writer, editor & events curator living in New York City. A graduate of The New School Ella has long been active at the intersection of art & social justice. Her writing has been featured in Guernica, Tin House, Slice Magazine, The Rumpus, Full Stop, Pretty Queer & Huffington Post. Her first play “Helps to Hate You a Little: A Lovestory” debuted at Dixon Place in Fall 2015. She is currently at work on a second play & will be co-curating a new reading series.
For More Info: lambdaliterary.org
LISTEN: SAGE & Friends Talk Miami LGBT Fundraising Event
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