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Gay Icon Larry Kramer Speaks Out

By Charlotte Robinson, February 20, 2016
In this exclusive audio interview legendary activist & playwright Larry Kramer who was the pioneering co-founder of Gay Men’s Health Crisis & ACT UP talks about how his play “The Normal Heart” eventually found its audience & his frustration with the current AIDS national research policies. When we asked what he would like to see happen for LGBT equality in the next few years Kramer talks about how he would like to see our LGBT community more united with a better & more forceful presence in Washington to lobby for our rights like everyone else does. Kramer also talks about his must-read new book
The American People, Volume 1 in which he rewrites the story of our country, passionately focusing on its homophobia & anti-Semitism in this historical novel. Kramer stated, “Gays have been here since the beginning of America & we’ve been treated like shit since the beginning of America. Hundreds of years later, of being treated like that, it’s probably part of the genetic make-up of all gays to be non-fighters & hiding. We never were good fighters & we still aren’t. That’s our tragedy.” It time for our LGBT community to stand up & take on the fight for full equality. We can’t wait to see what the 2016 election results will be. We need to have federal nondiscrimination legislation passed while Obama is still in office.
LISTEN: Activist Brian Silva Talks Winning Nondiscrimination
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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