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Trump Protest At Stonewall Inn

By Charlotte Robinson, February 23, 2017
As you know by now the U.S. Department of Education & U.S. Department of Justice rescinded the guidance issued by the Obama administration on accommodating transgender & gender nonconforming students under Title IX. Protests are organizing throughout the nation to protest this travesty the ignorant Trump administration is attempting to implement & enforce on our LGBTQ youth. Last night there were major protests at the White House in Washington DC. Tonight in NYC at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village there will be a rally from 5:30P to 7:30P. Mel Wymore Executive Director TransPAC stated, “Join us tonight at Stonewall to protest Trump's draconian rollbacks & stand with transgender youth! TONIGHT 5:30P to 7:30P at the Stonewall National Monument. It's our moral obligation to protect the safety & dignity of ALL of our youth.” So if you’re in the NYC area please attend & show this administration that they won’t get away with bullying our LGBTQ youth or any minority. This is America & we’re going to stand up & fight for what we believe in & not allow a few small minds in Washington DC dictate & attempt to remove the civil rights we have worked so hard to gain. As GLSEN’s Executive Director, Dr. Eliza Byard stated, “Supports for transgender students in K-12 schools change & save lives & hurt no one. President Trump’s reversal of federal guidance affirming Title IX protections in schools undermines the settled expectations & protections afforded by federal law, hurts transgender students & impedes the progress we have made creating safer & more inclusive learning environments for all.” Stonewall Inn is at 53 Christopher Street in NYC.
For More Info: glsen.org
Listen: Dr. Jessica Toste Talks GLSEN Protecting Our LGBTQ Youth
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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