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Being Gay Is Not A Sin

By Charlotte Robinson, October 20, 2017
Faith in America met with top Mormon legislator Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah & Dan Reynolds lead singer of Imagine Dragons to discuss LGBT youth suicide & mental anguish. When asked if he thought being gay was a sin Senator Hatch stated, “No, I don’t. How could anything that God gives you be a sin especially something you are born with. Mormons believe in a pre-mortal existence, so if you tell gay kids they are sinners, you are saying that God made someone a sinner before they were born & that is just not right. I do believe they [gay people] are born that way & if they are born that way, then why then is it a sin? Because we all come from God & if that is the case which I believe it to be it seems we have to work out these problems ourselves without prejudice.” Mitchell Gold, co-founder of Faith in America added, “Senator Hatch has taken an extraordinary first step by saying he doesn't believe being gay is a sin. As the top Mormon legislator in the country, he wields enormous power in the lives of thousands of LGBT kids in Utah & across America. While it is important the Senator & the LDS church understand the epidemic facing LGBT youth, we need them to change their outdated teachings regarding homosexuality. As the LDS church has progressed in terms of polygamy, those who are the most vulnerable among us, need the church to progress on homosexuality.” Faith in America calls upon the leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to hear the words of Senator Hatch & understand the real mental health crisis being faced by young LGBT Mormons in Utah & across the country. For More Info: faithinamerica.org 
LISTEN: Cheryl Osimo Talks MBCC Premier Lesbian Event Oct 21st
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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