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Separation of Church & State

By Charlotte Robinson, October 07, 2017
The Trump Administration after announcing that federal employment protections do not apply to transgender Americans has opened up the Pandora’s Box when it comes to the separation of Church & State. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has released guidance instructions that invites taxpayer-funded federal agencies, government employees & government contractors to discriminate against our LGBTQ community, people of color, people with disabilities, women, religious minorities including Muslim & Jewish people & other marginalized populations as long as they cite a religious belief as the reason for doing so. Vanita Gupta, President & CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights stated, “This guidance is totally unnecessary & is yet another mean-spirited attack against the LGBTQ community, people of color & other minorities. This guidance is designed to do one thing create a license to discriminate against the LGBTQ community & others, sanctioned by the federal government & paid for by taxpayers. Yes, the freedom of religion is a fundamental right, but it is not an absolute right. It cannot be used as a shield to permit discrimination against LGBTQ people, just as federal courts a half century ago denied the ability of businesses & employers to use their religious beliefs as a basis to discriminate against African Americans. Federal agencies, government contractors & grant recipients should not be permitted to discriminate simply by citing a religious belief for doing so. We urge the federal courts to reject the radical efforts by this administration to justify discrimination on the basis of religion. We are strengthened as a nation when we work to protect & balance the rights and dignity of all.”
For More Info: civilrights.org
LISTEN: Donna Deitch Talks Desert Hearts Sequel & LGBTQ Rights
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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