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Dear Abby Award To Dr. Caitlin Ryan

By Charlotte Robinson, May 03, 2018
The Group for Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) which is the policy “think tank” for the psychiatry profession presented Dr. Caitlin Ryan, Director of the Family Acceptance Project with the Dear Abby Award at their Spring meeting in White Plains, New York. The award is given in honor of Dear Abby’s long-term relationship with GAP to educate the public on mental health needs in recognition of individuals who have made key contributions to innovations in mental health. Dr. Ryan stated, “I’m honored to receive this award in recognition of our work to help diverse families learn to support & accept their LGBT children from thought leaders in psychiatry and Dear Abby herself! Educating families & the public about mental health & reducing risk is a lifesaving mission we share.” Former GAP President & American Psychiatric Association President, Steven Sharfstein, MD, introduced Jeanne Phillips better known as Dear Abby & Dr. Ryan’s important work & dedication in helping LGBT youth & their families. Mary Barber, MD of the GAP LGBT Committee, introduced Ryan as that rare combination of researcher, clinician & advocate who has taken her research into action with families that some would be reluctant to approach. Dr. Ryan gave an information-filled talk about her research and the Family Acceptance Project’s (FAP) family support work & showed one of FAP’s family intervention films that movingly illustrated her work. The Family Acceptance Project is a research, education, intervention & policy project that is helping diverse families learn to support their LGBT children through research-based family support services & resources that are being integrated into health, mental health, school-based, out-of-home & pastoral care services.
For More Info: familyproject.sfsu.edu
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