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Boston Pride Week Political Forum

By Charlotte Robinson, May 31, 2018
Boston Pride & Freedom for All Massachusetts will host a public forum on Defending Transgender Equality in Massachusetts – A Public Discussion on the Repeal of the Public Accommodations Law during Pride Week on Monday June 4th from 6P to 8P at District Hall 75 Northern Avenue in Boston, MA. The event will feature keynote remarks from Sarah McBride, National Press Secretary for the Human Rights Campaign & the author of Tomorrow Will Be Different: Love, Loss & The Fight For Trans Equality as well as a panel discussion about the upcoming ballot question that if passed would repeal critical protections in public places, such as restaurants, shops & medical facilities for transgender people in Massachusetts. Sylvain Bruni Boston Pride President stated, “The repeal of the Public Accommodations ballot question poses an imminent threat to our community. The purpose of this panel discussion is to address the local & national consequences this repeal could have & what the LGBTQ community & its allies can do to mobilize & defend fairness & dignity for all at the ballot in November. As a matter of social justice for our community, we felt it was of the utmost importance to heighten trans visibility & to amplify trans voices through direct interactions at a community-based panel.” Boston Pride annually holds a public issues & advocacy forum during Pride Week to educate members of the LGBTQ community on the social, cultural & political issues they face. Following the forum there will be a complimentary reception at District Hall sponsored by the Seaport by WS Development. The event is free & open to the public however space is limited & registration is recommended.
For More Info & To Register…
LISTEN: New LPAC Leader Stephanie Sandberg Speaks OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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