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NGLCC Reverse LGBT Erasure

By Charlotte Robinson, May 18, 2018
Under the Obama administration the Small Business Administration (SBA) worked directly with  NGLCC & launched an LGBT Business Builder campaign which included a national tour of day-long training sessions & networking events to connect LGBT entrepreneurs to NGLCC & SBA resources & to helped them obtain federal contracts. Then came Trump who erased our LGBTQ community from the SBA website. Thanks to Congressional pressure & the leadership of the NGLCC shortly after speaking by phone with NGLCC Co-Founder & President Justin Nelson, the US Small Business Administration under the leadership of Administrator Linda McMahon restored resources dedicated to America’s LGBT-owned businesses to the SBA website. Justin Nelson & Chance Mitchell NGLCC Co-Founders stated, “Our work with the Small Business Administration over the last decade has ensured more LGBT business owners than ever before have access to the information, certifications & resources available to them that allow their businesses to compete for their piece of the American Dream. The NGLCC is pleased to see the SBA reinstate LGBT entrepreneurial resources on their website just days after the Congressional letter was sent & a conversation between Administrator McMahon & myself was held. Clearly she & the SBA recognize that LGBT business owners across the nation bring countless innovations, contribute over $1.7 trillion to the GDP & create tens of thousands of jobs where they live. America’s LGBT entrepreneurs & in fact every diverse community, should be given unfettered access to opportunities to succeed at every level of government & in every marketplace. We thank Reps. Velázquez & Clarke for their leadership in ensuring greater inclusion for all businesses owners in America.” 
For More Info: nglcc.org
 LISTEN: New LPAC Leader Stephanie Sandberg Speaks OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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