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Resist The Assault On America Part 2

By Charlotte Robinson, May 01, 2018
Boston OLOC (Old Lesbians Organizing For Change) presents “What’s Happening? Resisting the Assault on America II” on Sunday May 6th from 2P to 4P at the Brookline Senior Center at 93 Winchester Street in Brookline, Massachusetts. After last year’s standing-room-only crowd at the first “Resisting the Assault on America,” OLOC feels it is time to revisit the ways in which the Trump administration is assaulting America. The forum panel will include Holly Gunner (ACLU Foundation), Jenn Doe (Lead Labor Union Organizer for SEIU Local 509), Patience Polly Crozier from GLAD (GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders), Colleen Flanagan (disability rights activist) & Nancy Kelly (Manager of Immigration Unit of the Greater Boston Legal Services). This panel of expert speakers will explain how their organizations are responding & resisting these attacks on the rights of the most vulnerable among us. Sue Katz stated, “Now a year has passed & while there is still a sense of disbelief, our worst nightmares are coming true, as this new Administration attacks civil & human rights & encourages the worst kinds of racism & sexism. This year's panelists will cover very different areas of struggle - from disability rights to immigration policies to workers' situation. Join us!” Boston programs & events are open to lesbians of all ages, including transgender lesbians. OLOC’s mission includes their commitment to creating communities of older lesbians & solidarity with allies for racial, economic & social justice. Following the event there will be an early dinner at Pho Lemon Grass at 239 Harvard Street in Brookline, MA.
LISTEN: ClexaCon Panelists & Press Speak OUT
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