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Boston Pride Flag Raising Event

By Charlotte Robinson, May 29, 2019
Boston Pride will kick off Pride week with the annual raising of the Rainbow Pride Flag on Friday May 31st at City Hall Plaza at 12P. Sponsored by Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh the Flag Raising at City Hall Plaza is the first official event of Boston Pride Week that runs May 31st to June 11th. Attending the flag raising with also include Samuel Chambers the Mayor’s liaison to our LGBTQ community & Boston City Councilors. Boston Pride is celebrating 49 years of advocacy for our LGBTQ community with this year’s theme “Looking back, Loving Forward,” which represents the recognition of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots & is meant to encourage the community to reflect back on the many challenges & incredible victories of our LGBTQ+ community in that time. Don Gorton, Chair of the Stonewall50 Boston Pride Committee stated, "Stonewall 50 represents the achievement of the unified LGBTQ community in creating transformative social change. The Boston Pride Committee invites LGBTQ people & our allies to participate in this momentous Golden Anniversary." The Flag Raising will also recognize this year’s Grand Marshal Dale Mitchell, Parade Marshal Ava Glasscott, Honorary Marshal (posthumous) Chris Harris & Champion of Stonewall Honorary Marshal Marsha P. Johnson (posthumous). Boston Pride produces events & activities to achieve inclusivity, equality, respect & awareness in Greater Boston & beyond. Fostering diversity, unity, visibility & dignity they educate, communicate & advocate by building & strengthening community connections. Boston Pride Week 2019 takes place from May 31st to June 11th.
For More Info: bostonpride.org
LISTEN: Charlotte Robinson Talks OUTTAKE MEDIA Launch

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