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Civil & Human Rights Award Dinner

By Charlotte Robinson, May 09, 2019
The 43rd Annual Hubert H. Humphrey Civil & Human Rights Award Dinner will take place at the Washington Hilton on Wednesday May 15th. This year’s event will bestow its highest honor, the Humphrey Award upon the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II & its Chairperson’s Award to Chad Griffin the outgoing president of the Human Rights Campaign during the dinner. Rev. Barber, the chief architect of the Moral Mondays movement who electrified the Democratic National Convention in 2016 with his plea for Americans to be “the moral defibrillators of our time” is arguably the nation’s most prominent moral leader. Chad Griffin as President of the Human Rights Campaign the nation’s largest LGBTQ civil rights organization has helped build HRC into a political powerhouse capable of winning not only hearts and minds but elections too. The annual dinner is the year’s largest gathering of the civil & human rights community which is noted for bringing together members of both houses of Congress, officials from the executive branch, civil & human rights leaders, business leaders, educators, attorneys & young people representing the next generation of civil & human rights advocates. More than 1,200 people attend the dinner annually. This year’s theme is “We Are Democracy” highlighting the critical work of the diverse civil & human rights coalition to advance justice, inclusion & opportunity in America. The event will be emceed by the longest running female network anchor in the United States, María Elena Salinas.
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN: Lesbian Icon Leslie Cohen Talks After Stonewall
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™ 

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