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Trump Reversing Healthcare Progress

By Charlotte Robinson, May 25, 2019
Trump cowardly left for Japan after his administration proposed a new health care regulation that would reverse 10 years of progress in healthcare provisions prohibiting discrimination against individuals on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, & having terminated a pregnancy. Winnie Stachelberg, Executive Vice President at the Center for American Progress stated, “The proposed rule is yet another attempt by the Trump administration to issue a license to discriminate against LGBTQ people & women. The proposal attempts to strip away protections for patients, making it harder for them to access the health care services they need when they need them. LGBTQ people & women already face barriers to receiving care & the proposal will exacerbate these problems. By diluting & weakening protections from discrimination, patients may get turned away or denied medically necessary care simply because of who they are. Health care is a basic right & all patients deserve to be treated with professionalism & respect. The administration’s attempt to limit protections for LGBTQ people & women under the Health Care Rights Law is an unfair, targeted attack to marginalize certain patients & is completely contrary to the increasingly inclusive direction of sex discrimination law. The Trump-Pence administration cannot turn back the clock on civil rights protections.” Sean Cahill, Director of Health Policy Research at The Fenway Institute concluded, “This proposed regulation is shocking in its scope. The Trump Administration is trying to reverse much of the progress made in federal health policy over the past decade. This will disproportionately hurt transgender people, LGBT people with disabilities, LGBT elders & low-income LGBT people.”
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