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NYPD Apologize For Stonewall Raid

By Charlotte Robinson, June 06, 2019
NYC Pride is demanding a long overdue apology from the NYPD for the violent police raid that triggered the Stonewall Uprising stating, “We voted unanimously to demand that the NYPD formally apologize to the LGBTQIA+ community for the violent police raid that triggered the Stonewall Uprising. We offer our stage at the Stonewall 50 Commemoration Rally on Friday June 28th 2019 for Police Commissioner James P. O’Neill to do so on behalf of the Department. Under Commissioner O’Neill, the NYPD has made significant strides in improving relations with LGBTQIA+ New Yorkers. But the Department has yet to take responsibility for the decades of police violence committed against our community in New York City. Taking responsibility & apologizing for this single event is a small, albeit meaningful step towards improving the larger systemic issues that continue to cause significant harm to LGBTQIA+ people, especially transgender people & people of color. It demonstrates what is possible for the future of our community & our movement. Throughout the country & the world, LGBTQIA+ & ally law enforcement officers have become fixtures in Pride marches & parades. At the same time, calls have grown louder for those same officers, people who are proud of their work serving the community & their ability to live & work openly, to be banned from marching. In New York City, the Gay Officers Action League (GOAL) had to fight in federal court for the right to wear their uniforms in our own Pride March. And yet these same officers are expected to accept the consequences of actions they played no part in, despite the work they have done to affect change from within… Commissioner O’Neill & the NYPD, the eyes of the world are on our city & we call upon you to show what real change can look like. The platform is yours on June 28th.”
For More Info: nycpride.org
LISTEN: Stoli Vodka “Spirit of Stonewall” LGBTQ Milestone

Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

1 comment:

James P. O’Neill NYC Police Commissioner said...

I think it would be irresponsible to go through World Pride month and not to speak of the events at the Stonewall Inn in June of 1969. I do know what happened should not have happened. The actions taken by the N.Y.P.D. were wrong — plain and simple.

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