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NewFest New York LGBTQ Film Festival
MBCC To Honor Lily Tomlin (AUDIO)
This week I talked with Cheryl Osimo, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition about their 23rd annual premier fundraising event the Lesbians & Friends LGBTQ Dance Party For Prevention that takes place virtually on October 24th from 7P to 9P via Zoom. This year MBCC will feature a special guest appearance & award presentation to long-time environmental activist, comedian & actress Lily Tomlin. The MBCC Environmental Activist Award will be presented to Ms. Tomlin in acknowledgment of her passion & work on many environmental issues. Osimo stated, “We are constantly inspired by trailblazers like Ms. Tomlin who have fearlessly & relentlessly paved the way of putting the greater good of our planet & families first. Including her in MBCC’s history of individuals dedicated to making a positive impact in the world is thrilling news.” The online event will also include laughs with guest comedian Karen Williams & dance lessons with OUT to Dance's Liz Nania where you can learn to dance the cha-cha, rhumba, salsa or merengue with no partner needed. DJ Shelly Cullen will be spinning the tunes throughout the virtual event with a Silent Auction that will run from October 17th through October 24th. MBCC is the only breast cancer non-profit working closely with a research & sister organization Silent Spring Institute to investigate preventable environmental causes of the disease. This work is funded through annual fundraising events like the upcoming virtual Lesbians & Friends LGBTQ Dance Party For Prevention. Tickets to attend the virtual event for adults are on a sliding scale of $15, $30, or $45 with tickets for students $10. I talked to Cheryl about what she hopes to accomplish with her work at MBCC & her spin on our LGBTQ issues. LISTEN
Barrett Anti Choice & Anti LGBTQ Stand
Inside Out LGBTQ Film Festival Events
Out & Equal Virtual LGBTQ Summit
This year’s Out & Equal 2020 Summit is going virtual from October 5th to 9th & with Trump’s new Executive Order expanding a ban on racial sensitivity training to federal contractors it is crucial to tune in to where our LGBTQ community stands in the workplace moving forward. Erin Uritus, CEO of Out & Equal Workplace Advocates stated, “This Executive Order is a perfect example of unchecked power, of weaponized privilege & of dog whistles that inflame racial tensions -- the very practices that these trainings are meant to eliminate. We in the LGBTQ community know what it's like to be discriminated against & to have the lessons of our lived experience denied by those who hold power. Today, we commit to the members of our community & others targeted by this order -- be they Black, Indigenous, or other people of color, or women -- we will stand together to fight for equality. Our first reaction to the president’s action is to state the simple the truth of what President Trump's thought police would deny us: America has a race problem. White people have unearned privilege. Men have unearned privilege & this needs to change. In 10 days, we will host the largest LGBTQ workplace conference in the world. The Out & Equal Workplace Summit brings together more than 70% of the Fortune 1000 companies to learn how to confront bigotry & racism & build cultures of belonging. President Trump should come. He could stand to learn a thing or two.” This year's Summit will leverage all of the assets of digital mediums & offer enhanced capacity for connection, career development & expertise sharing. There will be speakers, performers, workshops & more. For More Info: outandequal.org

LGBTQ Transforming Care Conference
Connecticut Virtual LGBTQ Film Festival
Mary L Trump Joins LPAC Virtual Event
LPAC (Lesbian Political Action Committee) whose mission is to build the political power of LGBTQ women will be hosting a special virtual conversation with Mary L Trump on Thursday September 24th at 5P EST via Zoom led by LPAC Board Member Hilary Rosen. Stephanie Sandberg LPAC’s Executive Director stated, “Mary L Trump pulls no punches in her book “Too Much & Never Enough: How My Family Created The World's Most Dangerous Man”. You know she'll be equally candid when she joins LPAC this Thursday September 24th 5P EST for conversation (an LPAC fundraiser).” Mary L Trump concluded, “As you may know, I wrote a book about my uncle that was published this summer. In it I described the ways in which Donald is a danger not only to our country but also to the survival of democracy. With that in mind, I will do whatever I can to ensure not only that Donald is voted out of office, but that progressive candidates are elected to federal, state-wide & local office. Our recovery as a nation will depend on our having leaders who prioritize equality & justice. As a progressive & an out gay woman, I've chosen to partner with LPAC because I believe strongly in its mission to elect queer women who share those values & I'm committed to helping the organization have maximum impact from now until November 3rd & beyond.” The event is hosted by Nikki Barua & Monica Marquez, Diane DiCarlo & Jeanne Leszczynski, Diane Felicio & Jan Donley, Phillip Goldberg, Jennifer N. Pritzker, Colleen Sullivan, Shari Weiner & Joanna Hochman. Event Patrons Co-Chairs are Mary L Trump, Laura Ricketts & Brooke Skinner Ricketts with sponsors Ron Bailey & Bill Edwards, Sue Reamer & Christy Webber. For Info & Register…
LGBTQ Campus Pride Goes Fully Digital
Campus Pride the leading national educational organization for LGBTQ & ally college students has announce that it has permanently taken its operations fully online to virtually meet the needs of LGBTQ college students across the country. The decision comes after the national nonprofit which is dedicated to building future LGBTQ leaders & creating safer college communities for LGBTQ people adapted its staffing model & all in-person programming during the summer & fall to an online format. Shane Windmeyer Campus Pride Executive Director stated, ““This year has changed all of us. We decided to listen & allow it to change us for the better. When faced with a challenge, you adapt & create new opportunities. Campus Pride, since it was founded, has always embraced the use of technology to mobilize communities & create safer spaces. This latest move to go completely digital is a throwback of sorts to the way we started out, with staff & volunteers working together remotely & without a physical space to call our own for several years. The decision is also consistent with our brand, which has always been able to adapt nimbly to meet the changing needs of LGBTQ young people.” Tom Elliott, Chair of the Board for Campus Pride concluded, “Today’s announcement is a preview into the many exciting developments that are to come for Campus Pride as we enter into our 20th year in 2021. We have started to imagine what things will look like post-pandemic & we believe there will be a growing need for connecting with LGBTQ college students virtually. Campus Pride remains steadfast in our mission to build future leaders & create safer communities & this decision to go digital is the best way to accomplish this.” For More Info: campuspride.org
LGBTQ Community Mourns RBG Passing
Campus Pride Board Chair Tom Elliott
Harbor To The Bay Cyber Friday Event
Harbor to the Bay’s 18th annual Cyber Friday is September 18th with their goal to raise $18,000 & for every $1 donated an additional $1 up to $18,000 will be donated to the H2B General Fund by Tim Stein in honor of Wayne Fette. Jim Morgrage, Harbor to the Bay President stated, “Tim has been a very generous sponsor of many of our participants & teams over the past 17 years & came on board as sponsor of the event last year. Tim in memory of his loving husband Wayne Fette set up a scholarship program for first time riders as a way of helping to grow our event, BTW it is NOT too late to apply for this year. Tim called me a couple weeks back saying, ‘I know things are very hard for Harbor to the Bay this year & I want to do more!’ So we worked together & Tim has made a challenge to all of our participants that if we can raise $18,000 on our 18th Cyber Friday on September 18th he will match that allowing us to raise $36,000 in a 24 hour period.” So far his year’s Harbor to the Bay virtual ride that has raised over $97,000. Rather than riding 125 or 68 miles together participants are encouraged to engage in whatever activity is safely accessible to them. This might mean several short bike rides doing 125 jumping jacks or dancing for 68 minutes so everyone is encouraged to get involved in a way that challenges themselves & promotes health. The H2B General Fund are divided 100% between their 4 beneficiaries; AIDS Action, AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod, Community Research Initiative & Fenway Health as they continue providing critical care during the ongoing pandemic. For More Info: harbortothebay.org
Lambda Literary Virtual LGBTQ Festival
For More Info: lambdaliterary.org
LISTEN: Rea Carey Talks LGBTQ Task Force Virtual Agenda

Pentagon HIV Policy Goes To Court
For More Info: lambdalegal.org
LISTEN: Rea Carey Talks LGBTQ Task Force Virtual Agenda

LGBTQ Task Force Goes Virtual (AUDIO)
This week I talked with Rea Carey, Executive Director of the National LGBTQ Task Force about their upcoming virtual events & how The Task Force is adjusting to the new normal in these challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. To begin with the 24th annual National LGBTQ Task Force Gala will stream virtually on Saturday October 3rd beginning at 8P EST in lieu of the customary gala held in Miami Beach, FL. This year’s theme is “The Power of US” which will focus on celebrating progress for LGBTQ people & their families. It will also emphasize the critical work of the National LGBTQ Task Force as they work to ensure that our LGBTQ community is counted through their “Queer the Census” campaign & the critical need to "Queer the Vote" in the upcoming election. The National LGBTQ Task Force Gala online event will be hosted by Latrice Royale of RuPaul’s Drag Race fame & the evening will include video messages from Pete Buttigieg, Alan Cumming, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, Sam Champion, Jai Rodriguez of the original “Queer Eye” cast & George Takei among others TBA. The National Task Force Gala virtual event will also be more accessible nationally & globally for supporters & members of the Task Force family with no fixed ticket price this year so any donation will get you in. So put on your tux or your sweatpants & join in the fun that helps support this fabulous organization. The next virtual events after the gala will be “Queering Racial Justice Institute” on October 10th, 2020 & the Creating Change Conference from January 27th to 31st, 2021. I talked to Rea about what she hopes to accomplish with The Task Force, their upcoming virtual events & her spin on our LGBTQ issues. LISTEN
For More Info & Tix: thetaskforce.org

Equality California Equality Awards
For More Info & Tix: eqca.org
Listen: Film "Surviving The Silence" Before Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Wonder Women Tech Virtual Summit
For Info & Tix: wonderwomentech.com
Listen: Film "Surviving The Silence" Before Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Pentagon New Transgender Ban Rules
For More Info: palmcenter.org
Listen: Film "Surviving The Silence" Before Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Windy City Times Goes Digital Only
For More Info: windycitymediagroup.com
Listen: Film "Surviving The Silence" Before Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

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