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Barrett Anti Choice & Anti LGBTQ Stand

By Charlotte Robinson, September 27, 2020

Three years ago we urge the Senate to oppose the confirmation of Amy C. Barrett to the U.S. Court of Appeals because of her position against a woman’s right to choose & her deeply held opposition to marriage equality & LGBTQ civil rights. Now three years later we urge the Senate to upheld U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg deathbed wish not to fill her seat until after the election in November. Against a woman’s right to choose Barrett has stated, “The framework of Roe essentially permitted abortion on demand & Roe recognizes no state interest in the life of a fetus. Republicans are heavily invested in getting judges who will overturn Roe.” Then on marriage equality Barrett joined a letter in 2015 voicing her belief that marriage is between a man & a woman & she is strongly endorsed by anti LGBTQ hate groups including the Heritage Foundation, Southern Poverty Law Center& the Family Research Council among others. Sarah Kate Ellis GLAAD President concluded, “If confirmed, Amy Coney Barrett will be a vote to undermine hard-won rights critical to all LGBTQ people, women & immigrants. Health care, reproductive rights, our legal rights to marry who we love or not be fired for who we are, are all at risk. Anti-LGBTQ activists supporting Barrett are wrongly claiming she is being targeted for her religion, when the focus is on her record. Barrett has voted against access to abortion, she has spoken out against LGBTQ rights, she would be the deciding vote to take away health care for millions in the middle of a deadly, out-of-control pandemic. Confirming Barrett will drag America backwards. We cannot allow her to represent President Trump’s bigotry & bullying at the Supreme Court for decades to come.”

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