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Inside Out LGBTQ Film Festival Events

By Charlotte Robinson, September 26, 2020

Inside Out Canada's largest LGBTQ Film Festival championing innovative LGBTQ filmmakers from around the globe announced it will open its 30th annual festival with the drive-in premiere of the hotly anticipated David Bowie biopic “Stardust” on Thursday October 1st at the Ontario Place Drive-In at 955 Lake Shore Blvd W in Toronto, Ontario. In addition to that two additional drive-in events will take place including a special preview presentation of ”Jump, Darling” an offbeat family drama starring Oscar-winner Cloris Leachman & Thomas Duplessie takes place at Ontario Place on Friday October 2nd & the Ottawa Drive-In event will be “Ahead Of The Curve” chronicling the life of the best selling lesbian culture magazine Curve will take place at the Drive-In Experience Ottawa at Wesley Clover Parks on Saturday October 3rd. Inside Out’s digital platform will be available October 1st to October 11th through Inside Out's new AppleTV & Roku apps launching October 1st. Audiences will be able to customize their own watch lists & schedule from the comfort of their own homes using their home entertainment systems. Andria Wilson Inside Out’s Executive Director Andria Wilson stated “In 30 years of LGBTQ film exhibition, we’ve never seen an edition of Inside Out quite like this. These past 6 months have necessitated innovation, imagination & collaboration as our teams & festival colleagues around the globe have adjusted our models to this moment. What we’re sharing with you today is the result of that internal & external journey, which has been guided by our mission to elevate the works of LGBTQ filmmakers & connect them with our diverse communities.” 

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