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Dr. Rachel Levine Confirmed By Senate

By Charlotte Robinson, March 25, 2021

A bipartisan group of lawmakers in the U.S. Senate have voted to confirm Dr. Rachel Levine as the next assistant secretary for health at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. She is the first openly transgender American ever to be confirmed by the Senate to a position in the federal government. Adrian Shanker, Executive Director of Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center stated, “The U.S. Senate made history by confirming Dr. Rachel Levine to serve as Assistant Secretary of Health at HHS but while this is certainly momentous, Dr. Levine is less interested in making history & more interested in making a difference. Now, she can get to work to improve public health for the American people. There is nobody better prepared for this role than Dr. Levine.” Winnie Stachelberg, Executive Vice President for External Affairs at the Center for American Progress concluded, “Dr. Rachel Levine’s appointment reflects her years of competent, effective stewardship as the top public health official in the state of Pennsylvania. A long track record of success, amid the largest public health crisis in a century, speaks to her unimpeachable qualifications for the job. Her confirmation also marks a historic milestone in the push for a federal government that reflects & celebrates the diversity of its citizenry. Dr. Levine’s status as the highest-ranking openly transgender official to hold a position in the federal government demonstrates that representation in public spaces matters. CAP applauds Dr. Levine’s confirmation & looks forward to her continued leadership on behalf of the American people.” I recorded this sound byte a few months ago with Winnie Stachelberg introducing Dr. Levine. LISTEN  

For More Info: bradburysullivancenter.org

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